Thiel CS 5i, 7.2. and others

Hi Folks:

In reference to an earlier post that I found discussing the merits of Theil's present flagship versus other high priced speakers, it's really true about the passionate opinions about the 7.2.among other's in the line.

Thiel's former sales manager (I believe) really nailed it when he said that the line has a distinctive sound and not everyone goes for it.

For those of you who have seen my posts over the years, you know what side of the argument I am on. The 7.2 is the best overall speaker that I have ever heard and I have heard others costing three times as much or more. I am slowly moving "up the line". First owning a 1.5. and graduating to the 2.3 last year.

Even another speaker I heard that costs $130K, as good as it is, just doesn't sound quite as accurate or natural as the 7.2. does. Granted the $130K speaker is fantastic in other ways, but for my money, I'd still purchase one of Jim's creations. Which leads me to this question: For those of you have heard or better yet owned both the 7.2. and the former flagship (discounting the 7), the CS 5i, What are the strength's and or differences between them? How much better or different is it over the 3.6? Also can anyone tell me how efficient the 5i is?

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I agree completely that Orion's or anyone's value of a product is at best 'iffy'.
Utility is the only measure of a product's worth...using a little lattitude in it's definition as an economic term.
From a purely 'musical or musical enjoyment standpoint', how does one assign more value to a 'new' pair of inferior speakers? Some of us blanche at 'used', which is a shame really. A used pair of CS5's or 5i's would be a tremendous find at the general asking price, and should be seriously considered.

The Adcom 535 comment was made, not to make anyone think that this was in any way a good match, just that an adequate current amp can handle them. Of course the better you put with them...well, the sky was the limit.
They were truly magical speakers, and I can only say that, with the Gryphon Amp a personal favorite, the'd be spectacular. Some years ago, I mated the CS 7.2 with a Callisto, Integrated (Gryphon) and the results were better than with any other electronics, from a purely musical standpoint. (This comparison included, Ayre, Krell, McIntosh, and a couple of others which I've forgotten--all separates too, compared to the Integrated.
What a speaker...magic.
