Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!

Here is a new product from KLE Innovations...

I have not tried them, but I have tried many of their other speaker cables and I have tried the Banana plugs used on them.

The Banana plugs allow you to plug the speaker cables directly into the back of them

All of their products are outstanding and work extremely well - I have no reason to believe these will not live up to their stellar reputation

Enjoy - Steve
Easily the best value in cable I have ever experienced and I have owned and tried MANY.
Same here.....both the WE and the Duelund wire   
@grannyring - Have you tried the actual Beldon wire I used?

If you did try it - did you use it in a Helix geometry cable?

I must admit I do not find it "closed in" and "dark sounding" at all - extremely spacious with a huge image and pinpoint placement of musicians.

Also, the impact of the dielectric tends to be reduced when employing a helix geometry because the conductors are almost at right angles with each other, resulting in very little surface area contact - hence low capacitance and low inductance

OK - so now you got me wondering.

Damn you - I thought I was done :-)
The deep cryogenic treatment on the Beldon wire williewonka suggests is also going to influence the sound. I like my set up that I described above.
Yes I have tried the Belden wire, but not the braiding you mention. Also, I have never liked the sound of silver over copper cable. I have always found it to be a tad edgy and a tad lean in the past. I am open minded enough to realize there may be one I like however. I actually replaced all the mill spec wire in a set of Tekton Double Impact speakers with the Duelund wire and the improvement was substantial. Looks to be the very same wire as shown in your link.

Sound quality is so very subjective and terms like closed in and dark are relative. It may be we like entirely different sound signatures. I suspect this is in part true.

The Duelund wire is also Cryo treated as an FYI.
@grannyring - re:
Sound quality is so very subjective and terms like closed in and dark are relative. It may be we like entirely different sound signatures. I suspect this is in part true.
Yep - I believe that may be the case - different strokes for different folks
(but I still might give the Duelund a whirl)

RE: Cryo treating...

Have you ever compared Cryo treated vs. non-cryo’d wire or components ?

I’ve never had the opportunity to perform this comparison, since it is difficult to find a supplier with the identical products with/without treatment

So I am unable to form any opinion as to any benefit Cryo-treating "might" provide

I have used many cryo’d parts & wire, but they were not selected in preference to items not applying this process - they just came like that

For me, the jury is still out.

Since you appear to be "into" DIY, if you could share any experience you have had WRT cryo treating it would be appreciated.

AND - If anyone else has done this comparison please share your findings also.

Thanks - Steve