At the end of the day, I can plug my GAE in to the wall or one of my power regenerators and EASILY
hear the sound of my system tank, when listeninng to my digital, R2R or my MK3. Nothing else does this except items with SMPS's. If you say you can't hear them in your system, I believe you. I have only limited experience with Bernings gear but I do recal the time I had the Berning Pre 1 in my system and I don't recall it adversely affecting my system. It is a different technology than standard switching supplies and uses tubes instead of SS which don't tend to have the switching noise inherent in turning transistors on and off at high rates.
I am saying that when I am listening to any source other than the GAE, the Monarchy AC regen which powers the GAE is switched off or it literally hurts the sound of my system. That is a fact. And to answer your queston, yes I have tested my lines for noise when SMPS units are plugged in and yes, it is readily apparent, the minute I unplug the device, PS3/GAE whatever, the line is quieter. I have a Tektronix 4 channel CRT bench scope that I use along with other lab gear.
If people are ok with SMPS's in their units that is fine. I don't want to listen to them.