ELAC Uni-fi - All Hype??

Have been contemplating the launch of my Wharefedale Diamond 10.7s for the new ELAC Uni-fi floorstanders (the slender guys).  There's been a lot talk about ELAC since Jones joined the team and one has to wonder whether or not it's all bulls***.  Are these things really that good?  Is HE really that good?  I was not a fan of large amount of top end roll off on his 'critically acclaimed' Pioneer line.  Sure, they were 'smooth', and I suppose you can only do so much with $150.00, but none the less, I could never wrap head around all of the applause.  What most uneducated folks with $150.00 want is either deep bass or crisp clear highs, neither of which the Pioneers had, so why the fuss?  

Some reviewers (CNET comes to mind first, although there seem to be MANY reviews out there due to all the hype.) claim that to their ears these new ELAC Uni-Fis do everything right, and in fact CNET say they are treating the new line as their new point of reference.  That good?  I really hope that they are.  I hope that Jones has broken new ground here and put together the right components to bring this phenomenal sound into our living rooms for $1,000.00.  I hope that when I get them they will be everything that was hoping for, but who knows?  

I really enjoy the soft domes on my Wharefedales (Though they need more reach) so I think the ELACs will be a smooth transition in that regard.  The Wharefedales are very present in the low end with a noticable boost in the 80hz region that I've recently taken excellent control over with the purchase of a new Basx Series Emotiva.  They are now smooth and warm down below and have an elegance I have never noticed in the past.  They were once lost, stumbling through material as though they were drunk and not even interested in bringing me tunes.  Now they shine quite nicely.  Tight and focused they slide through albums with confidence and control, the smooth and light top end waving carefully and very warm and very present bottom end following with precision balance.  I am not sure what to expect from the ELACS in this low end department, but I do know that the Wharefedales have some issues I'd like to fix up top, as mentioned before.  They don't reach quite as high as I'd like them to and they are not all that great with imaging, areas where the ELACS claim to exceed.  This is what I hope to gain in my overall music experience.  

Any owners out there?  What are these ELACs REALLY like?  

Try calling Music Direct in Chicago. They carry both brands and would be more than happy to talk about comparisons between the two. I have called them to talk and have ordered from them. Very nice people to deal with. Their number is; 1-800-449-8333.
Elac ub5 sound pretty bad ass for it size and surprise me , you can’t go wrong about ub5
I recommended the UB5 to a friend based solely on the "hype." When they arrived I brought my modified Bryston B60 over to give it a listen. I have to say, even with a less than optimal setup (sitting on a table, using a phone as source), they were impressive for the money. Full, coherent sound, vocals had great presence. The high order crossover does kill a little openness vs. a minimalist design and they are a somewhat harder load to drive so you'll need a decent amp with current.
Please note in my post above, I mentioned a fellow named Paul Jones, but was of course referring to Andrew Jones.  A renowned speaker designer no doubt, but with the internet being what it is, has developed an annoying fanboy following which can make it difficult to discern fact from fiction.