I have CS 2.3s that I upgraded a while back with the improved drivers and crossover parts. It really did not sound "more musical" as Shari, with Thiel, said it should but it did seem a bit more 3D and palpable. I have listened to the CS2.4s in two different locations and they sound a LOT like mine. Hard to tell if they are any better without putting them in my room, they sounded that close. I love how many people hear a speaker in a foreign room and then pronounce judgment on minor changes in sound. For what it is worth, I tool think Thiel can be bright with lots of CDs but, when I check out the competition, Thiel still carries the day. I keep checking bright CDs on my Sennheiser HD580 headphones and they often sound even harder on those.
Tim McTeague
Tim McTeague