my first hight end sound system , please don’t ignore

hello my audiophile friends !!
out of my passion for good music i have decided to build my very first hight end audio system , i bought a pair of dali euphonia ms5 in mint contition with very few hours on them, an edge NL10 power amp , a  benchmark dac3 pre amp , 3 runs per speaker - tri-wiring terminated with high-end plugs “ rea cable “ wires made from pure silver , and 2 RCA stereo pair ,, my next purchase will be a power supply and i am currently building a table for my audio eqiipment made from granite and sorbothane , i also bought TDK clip on Emi Rfi filters , and hight end Single Crystal Copper Power Cords ,, i will start slowly doing my researh for turntables and hoping not to spend more than 3000, 3500 on that , 
i’m i in the right path ? i would apreaciate tips suggestions and help , i am new to this with some basic  understandings about audio equipments
That is quite an ambitious start with some very good gear. Was somebody advising you on your purchases?
HiFi systems are all about synergy, meaning that all the components in the system must work well together to produce quality sonics that you enjoy listening to.
The only way to know is to power it up, let the components break in for a number of hours, then sit back and listen.

I would recommend that you install dedicated AC lines from your circuit panel to power your system. Then you will be isolated from all the electrical devices in your home which add noise, especially the appliances.
What is your digital source? I know you have the Benchmark DAC, but will you be using CD, computer audio, streaming?
i started my reasearch ( reading online and asking around ) about a year ago , and i also have a relative that i bought the euphonias from him who helped me , but i had a general idea so moslty my set up is based on my  conclusions . i’m an electrician , so i was thinking of installing dedicated circuit lines from the panel , but i thought with the power suply i didn’t have to , but i didn’t really know the reason , thanks for explaining ! i am curently working on the table and my space , so i didn’t power it up yet
i’m going to be using my computer for now to listen to music to know what records to buy ,, its going take me a while (2,3 months ) to build my turntable set up , i am doing my reasearch on that
Definitely on the right track.

Now allyou need is a Roon and Tidal subscription!

Building a nice rack can be good fun but you already have all the gear you need for great sound!