Good Multi-Channel Amp for HT and 2ch Audio?

I have over the last several weeks put up various posts about Repair or Replace Adcom MonoBlocks. I am exploring different options as to which way to go. I am considering going with a 1 amp setup. I am looking for a good Multi-Channel amp that would be a good pick for 2 channel audio listening as well as Home Theater. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
Not knowing your budget, I would recommend looking at Parasound, B&k and Aragon/Acurus amps. These can be found in a price range between $500-!000. IMHO they are slightly more musical. For amps a little more pricy, check out Proceed (I think they are made by Levinson), Classe and Pass Labs. Note: these are SS.
Multi-Kilobuck options:

Plinius Odeon
Theta Dreadnaught I/II
Bat VK-6200
Sim Audio Titan 5 and 7 channel versions

Please note that the Titan chasis come in two flavours, a 5 channel and 7 channel version. If you want 5 channels now with plans to add two more channels in the future get the 7 channel chasis.
I have a Classe five channel that I like real well. It's not exactly going to kill my tube amp or anything, but it does the trick with my Maggies.
