Upgrade for Totem Mani 2

I bought a wonderful Pass Labs 30.5 which currently drives my Totem Mani 2, which are quite difficult and not very sensitive speakers. I would like to upgrade the speakers to get something more efficient that can be better driven by the 30w of Pass Labs. Based on your experience, you can always recommend me to stand up for a small/medium sized room.
Thanks and good music.
A pair of Vandersteen 2's are in the 2500 range if I recall correctly.  The fact that they are time and phase correct will stop the smearing that you will get with a non time and phase aligned speaker.  It's very noticeable on acoustic music and also jazz.  Having a full range speaker like the 2's are also nice for the lower bass notes I have found.  Dynaudio makes a nice speaker also.  I auditioned many of them when I was looking and my buddy has their 60k ones.  I just feel for many they appreciate the tonality, micro and macro dynamics of the Vandersteen's.  Go listen to both and see which one you like best.  They are very differently tuned, so I'm sure you will like one or the other better.  Both good solid companies that stand behind their gear too.
You should check out Harbeth. The M30’s go for about $3500 used and the 7’s about $2500 used. They both would be a nice match with the Pass amp. They are an easy load and sound great with the type of music that you prefer!