^^^^ Slaw sez:
- "Have your (masters) told you to (tone it down?)"
I only have one Master slaw ... and He walked the earth over 2000 years ago. Which "master" do you answer to?
Actually slaw, I spent the afternoon over at Mribob’s home pasting his wonderful system with TC. Unlike you, no one has kicked my cat today, so I go on about life with a positive mental attitude. Suggest you do the same.
" I was a potential customer..."
No you weren’t. You’re an adversary and have been from the start.
- " All of the sudden ... oregonpapa/TC’s spokesman says... slaw, you don;t mean that much to us..."
Nope, that’s not what I said. Post it if you can find it.
- " Why would you want to deal with a company that disrespects it’s potential buyers/customers verbaly (HERE) and seems to be proud of it?"
I have the right to defend myself, do I not? Do you honestly believe that I would just sit back while a few ... a FEW naysayers try to kick my ass and then make an attempt to run Tim Mrock out of business?
- " Actually, (THE) trouble is, YOU trying to make A CASE for someone else (ME) to have a reason for your ongoing mistakes in the way YOU rolled out/ then responded to others for this new product!!!"
Mistakes? Name them. The way I rolled out then responded to others? I’ve asked you repeatedly to read the long initial post I made on page one of this thread in the "roll out" and then post what you found to be offensive. So far, nothing but crickets.
Responded to others? Again, go back and reread the entire thread. I only responded negatively to the arsonists, the looters and the destroyers. They were responses to personal attacks. Again, its called self defense. What is it that you don’t get, slaw? Are you taking my responses to others personally? If so, that’s kind of weird, don’t you think?
- "So, I was thinking,...Why would a decent, respectable person such oregonpapa, try to disrespect me,( someone who just disagreed with the way he and his masters) tried to make the case for my (not) wanting to purchase their product???"
Disrespect? I’ve tried to answer every one of your questions in a positive manner. Again, go back and read the thread from the beginning.
In my humble opinion slaw, you have every right not to buy the product. Its your money and your choice. But when you try to dissuade others from buying it based upon who knows what ... considering you haven’t tried it yourself, haven’t seen it, felt it ... .well, that’s a bit weird too. Guess what slaw, I don’t care if you buy the product or not. Again ... you are just not that important.
By the way slaw, just so you know ... Mribob’s system was sounding better than ever when I left his home. His Venture speakers are fantastic. The TC left his bass sounding very articulate, full and organically natural. He made the comment that its the best mid-range he’s had so far. Considering his system, that’s saying a ton. Its only going to continue to get better from here on as his TC cures. But see slaw, you won’t be having that experience with your system because your nose is so far out of joint worrying about what other people think about you, coupled with an inordinate fear of being taken advantage of, that you would cut off your nose to spite your face by not buying and/or experiencing the product. Too bad for you, I’d say.
Have a great evening slaw ...