Buying used/vintage Martin Logan speakers

I have a desire to acquire a good pair of used ML loudspeakers but had some issues with a pair of the original Aerius when they first came out.  The panels failed just before the warranty expired (when does that ever happen?) and I had them replaced.  I sold them to a friend who used them for no more than 2 years and, at that time, the panels were sounding muted with an obvious loss of top end extension.  Unfortunately, he had a fire at his home and the Logans were destroyed. 

I would like to get a pair of the larger Logan hybrids but am concerned about panel life and I've heard that the price of replacement panels has skyrocketed.  Are older Logans worth purchasing?  I'm thinking of Quests/Requests/Monoliths.  Thanks for any input.
Hi Mofimadness---I'm very surprised to hear about the panel reliability/durability.  My experience with the original Aerius was quite a bit shorter than that.  I'm not a smoker and the environment isn't particularly dusty nor humid.  Maybe I just had a bum pair?  And thanks for the figures on ML replacement panels.  I've heard the Monoliths and ReQuests and wouldn't mind finding a pair but think I'll pass.  There are many fine speakers out there that don't require such and expensive rebuild.  Thanks for everyone's input!
I have a friend who has a perfect (and I mean perfect) set of ML  Pair of Martin Logan speakers, Paradigm sub woofer, Paradigm canter speaker.  Serial # is AEHB270 110V @ 50-60 Hz.  Sound is terrific and they are in excellent shape. Any thoughts on what they're worth?  Her husband passed away and I can say with certainty that he paid a small fortune for them back in the day and has never even allowed anyone to touch them.  They still sound perfect.  Comments?
I have a friend who has a perfect (and I mean perfect) set of ML Pair of Martin Logan speakers, Paradigm sub woofer, Paradigm canter speaker. Serial # is AEHB270 110V @ 50-60 Hz.  Sound is terrific and they are in excellent shape. Any thoughts on what they're worth? Her husband passed away and I can say with certainty that he paid a small fortune for them back in the day and has never even allowed anyone to touch them. They still sound perfect. Comments?
The serial number of the electronics you listed make them Martin Logan Aerius models.  They were built in February of 1996.  The panels have a different serial number on them.  If the panels have never been replaced, they are well due for it.  They are now 22 years old.

If the panels have been replaced and are within 5-7 years old, I would offer around $700-$800.  If the panels need replacing or repair, then around $200-$300.
+infinity for ESL's.

I love them, tried/listened to just about any else but I always come back to ESL's.

I now own the Monolith III's with the "new then" (2008) aluminium vapour deposited panels which Jim Power sent me. I use far better bass drivers than the original Eminence ones, which did the job, but are poor quality and had a one note'ish bass.

Never leave them powered up, just turn them on 1hr before listening they come up to charge surprisingly quick (listenable straight away), they do sound their best after a couple of hours.
Vacuum the un-powered panels both sides every month or so, they will last forever? They do loose a little efficiency (charge voltage) on humid days >70%, mine are 10 years old now and still perfect.

Cheers George