Poor George...he wants evidence from measurements vs. using his ears...
Both sunshine both, as it should be, can't have one without the other.
Cheers George
Class D is just Dandy!
Hi.. I have been a Class A or Class A/B amp owner my entire adult life and trying to get a firm grasp on Class D amps. I have read through several threads and like many subjects this one is similarly polarizing. I'm not biased either way. Just seeking information and if I decide to change amps, getting the sound I'll enjoy. It seems there are about 3 major players in companies that actually manufacture the amp boards, and that most people selling Class D amps are buying the boards versus designing and building their own (probably some exceptions). If I am correct this is very unlike most Class A and A/B amp manufacturers. While I have never truly understood the prices attached to esoteric items, I do understand basic marketing and getting for a product what the market will pay. This may or may not be attached to the cost to produce said item. So my question is with the main boards themselves being made by a thrid party, how does one go say from a $1400 D-Sonic amp to a $5000 Bel Canto (or other similar) amp (per pair) up to a Merrill Veritas at $11K plus (pair)? I realize a nicer chassis, etc. will add cost, and same for internal wiring and external connectors but am trying to see what each make ris adding to their product to result in so many price variations when the main "guts" are so similar. Thx |
So my question is with the main boards themselves being made by a third party, how does one go say from a $1400 D-Sonic amp to a $5000 Bel Canto (or other similar) amp (per pair) up to a Merrill Veritas at $11K plus (pair)? I realize a nicer chassis, etc. In the "hiend" Class-D's there must be a huge profit margin compared to linear amps, even with the glitzy cases, as what's inside is worth peanuts compared to similar dollar linear amps. EG: The $8k Rowland Continuum S2 http://www.theaudiobeat.com/equipment/pics/jeff_rowland_continuum_2_large_inside.jpg uses one of these Danish modules http://www.pascal-audio.com/amplifier-modules.html Which from what I found, are slightly modified Chinese $150 modules I believe from Class-D module manufacturer called Sangaway or something from memory. And these modules were also used in the far cheaper Red Dragon Class-D amps. https://www.reddragonaudio.com/products/s500 Cheers George |
Thx George.My only experiences are with Class A/B mostly and some Class A. I have heard tube amps but never owned one, and in past thought of Class D as mostly sub type amps (my ignorance). I started reading about the newer Class D amps and the price range is fairly broad. I also recognize pricing is not always linear with cost (whatever market will bring). But it is hard to see how 2 amps using the same identical amp board can vary in price so much which of course begs my question of why. If the cost of the parts, including cases, connections, etc. as well as the actual amplifier modules is a lot cheaper than their Class A/B counterparts, and their sound quality is close but it results in an overall cost reduction for the buyer than I would be more encouraged. It is difficult for me to hear much of this stuff without buying it. Not many nearby sellers. But I am probably missing something along the way. If the more expensive units are adding proprietary mods that would be one thing. Otherwise it starts sounding like a prettier case, etc. is adding a lot of cost! |