System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault

I have been very happy with my current system for several years.  The stereo rig is a Yaqin MC-30L tube amplifier with Focal 836v speakers.  My home theater rig uses an Integra 50.1 receiver and the same speakers.  I got the audio bug and purchased a Cambridge Audio Azur 840A integrated amplifier with the intent of using it as a power amplifier for home theater since it has fixed level input capability and also improve the overall sound for stereo listening when not using the tube amplifier.  The end result was that the Integra/840A combination resulted in too much noise in the system.  I worked with Cambridge Audio and I'm sure that what I'm experiencing is normal, just not a good solution.  Overall, I didn't feel that the 840A was an improvement as it was warmer sounding that I prefer (at least in comparison) to my Integra and tube amplifier, but for some music the stronger bass did sound fantastic.  I opted to pull it back out of my system and now I'm realizing that I'm not as satisfied with my current system as I was before.  It seems that the 840A was good enough (more different than better) to put me in a state of limbo with both my receiver and tube amplifier.  It's sort of annoying that it has come to this.

I'm sure that I'm not the only one that has created their own dissatisfaction by just not choosing to be content.

If I can get a good price out of the 840A I may be able to turn it into Pathos Classic One (I would be able to do an in home audition with it).  If I win the lottery I'd be going for a Krell integrated as I heard one in a setup the other day and was once again blown away as I have always been with just about any system with Krell.  If only I had $6,000.  I could get one if I were willing to upgrade my house for my wife, but short of that it's a pipe dream for the most part.  One day I will have a Krell amplifier.
elizabeth - There's certainly a lot of truth in what you say.  I try to make judgements of my equipment based on the general feeling that I get with it being background listening.  For example, the difference between my receiver and tube amplifier is such that even with Pandora streaming from my phone I can tell if the tube amplifier is being used from the next room.  The receiver will sometimes grate on my nerves a bit, but not always.  I had an issue with my Integra and made a really stupid purchase in an attempt to replace it with a truly budget solution and the result was horrible.  I don't think my wife would have let me keep it it sounded so poor.  For me, it's not so much about if I can hear a difference with careful listening in an A/B setting, but how do I feel about it after letting it play for a few days or weeks while I go about my business otherwise.

In this case the Cambridge Audio did excel in some areas, possibly related to it having more power that's a good match for my speakers.  It did have a powerful sound in comparison to the Integra even though they are rated similarly for wpc.  I don't expect the tube amplifier to have the same powerful sound as it excels at other types of music.

There's no perfect solution in the world of budget audio and maybe never.
Post removed 

My speakers are not a weakness to my ear, but I know they are a polarizing sound that many don’t appreciate.
Fair enough. I don’t know of any affordable SS integrateds that truly mimic tube sound. I’d suggest the Croft Phono Integrated but you probably want something with a remote control. Regardless, I’d stay away from the tube + class D hybrids, they sound nothing like a tube amp. It seems many make that assumption, but IME, the typically thin and analytic class D traits negate any tube warmth.

If going the hybrid route, I’d stick with a class AB amp. You might check out these.
Not a lot of power on paper but I’d almost guarantee it’ll seem more powerful than your Integra.
Well, since I'm a glutton for punishment in recent month I decided to double down on my audio purchases and will be trading in the Cambridge Audio 840A along with the cash from selling the Cambridge Audio 551R and a little out of my personal funds for a Pathos Classic One MKiii that's at one of my local shops that I enjoy doing business with.  I do have a 30 day money back policy to cover me if I decide it was a stupid move.

I think the hybrid amplifier with a bit more power than my Yaqin just might work well for me.  I've heard the amp before in years past when I purchased my speakers and receiver, but I never focused on it based on the systems it was connected to and such.  One of my more memorable listening experiences was with the Pathos Logos (similar design with more power) and a pair of Focal 807v speakers.  The owner set me up with that system to do a speaker cable comparison (hardware store cable vs. a $2,000 set that I had no idea how much it cost until after).  The 807v speakers are the large bookshelf speaker in the same lineup as my 836v floor standing speakers and they have the same tweeter.  I remember being really really impressed with the detail in that setup.  Pathos has always been on par, but different, with Krell so I'm excited to give this amplifier a try.

I should be bringing it home tomorrow.  It's been on loan to a local retail shop so the owner had to go retrieve it and I needed to get my amplifier all packed up.

I'll be sure to report on how I like it, but I'm curious to see what you all think.  Did I just make another lateral move or possible make a nice improvement?
Dissatisfaction resolved.  I love the sound of the Pathos Classic One MKIII so far.  It has a very smooth top end and powerful bass even at the low volumes that I have been able to listen to it at (the kids are in bed).  The soundstage makes me feel like the performers are on the opposite wall which is different than any of my previous gear, but I really like it.

I didn't get the remote (have inquired about it as it may have just been overlooked), but my Harmony remote has control so it's a non-issue.  I did get the original box with the shipping label from Italy.

I love my Yaqin tube amplifier, but the one thing that I always felt that it lacked was great bass at lower volumes and it didn't like being turned way up so there was always a balancing act.  The Pathos clearly has more to give.