elizabeth - There's certainly a lot of truth in what you say. I try to make judgements of my equipment based on the general feeling that I get with it being background listening. For example, the difference between my receiver and tube amplifier is such that even with Pandora streaming from my phone I can tell if the tube amplifier is being used from the next room. The receiver will sometimes grate on my nerves a bit, but not always. I had an issue with my Integra and made a really stupid purchase in an attempt to replace it with a truly budget solution and the result was horrible. I don't think my wife would have let me keep it it sounded so poor. For me, it's not so much about if I can hear a difference with careful listening in an A/B setting, but how do I feel about it after letting it play for a few days or weeks while I go about my business otherwise.
In this case the Cambridge Audio did excel in some areas, possibly related to it having more power that's a good match for my speakers. It did have a powerful sound in comparison to the Integra even though they are rated similarly for wpc. I don't expect the tube amplifier to have the same powerful sound as it excels at other types of music.
There's no perfect solution in the world of budget audio and maybe never.
In this case the Cambridge Audio did excel in some areas, possibly related to it having more power that's a good match for my speakers. It did have a powerful sound in comparison to the Integra even though they are rated similarly for wpc. I don't expect the tube amplifier to have the same powerful sound as it excels at other types of music.
There's no perfect solution in the world of budget audio and maybe never.