2chfreak..you nailed it. The dumbing down of America is correct. I haven't watched any award shows for years since those shows are nothing more than political arena's for moron's. What has caused this downhill slide during the past twenty years is this. The college professor's. The Universities in the U.S. for many years have been taken over by liberal socialist. Not liberals. These Socialists hate this country, teaching false history of our founding father's. Not teaching the truth that the foundation
of our government in 1789 was designed by Freemason's. James Madison, who drafted the U.S. Constitution, was a Mason as well as Thoma Jefferson who drafted the Declaration of Independence.
Paul Revere planned out the Boston Tea Party with his fellow Masons on the night of December 14th, 1775 at their Masonic Lodge in the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston. I love American history and could go on forever. Gore Vidal's series of books on American history are remarkable revealing facts and historical events that were never revealed in High School history books across the country.
of our government in 1789 was designed by Freemason's. James Madison, who drafted the U.S. Constitution, was a Mason as well as Thoma Jefferson who drafted the Declaration of Independence.
Paul Revere planned out the Boston Tea Party with his fellow Masons on the night of December 14th, 1775 at their Masonic Lodge in the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston. I love American history and could go on forever. Gore Vidal's series of books on American history are remarkable revealing facts and historical events that were never revealed in High School history books across the country.