Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair

With my budget what speakers would work well with the Denon 4311-ci
ctsooner.."Also, good luck when the company eventually fails"...
HA! What a joke! Ascend Acoustics has a very strong following globally and have been in business for 11 years. David Fabrikant works an average of 12 hours a day at his production facility to keep up with purchase orders. Hes still young and has a lot of mileage. As long as passionate music lovers exist, he will not be going anywhere soon. I never said that Audiophiles are not into music. I made it very clear that their are two types of Audiophiles, those that are into music, and others that just buy and show that are switching out their sysytems every two to three years to keep their stage show fresh. My closest friends are Audiophiles heavily into music and have their audio systems for an average of 7 to 10 years. 
Not talking specifically about Ascend.  Thanks for calling my statement a joke.  Greatly appreciated, lol. ;).  I"m so glad that you love the company and the man.  I say that in all honesty.  I won't put him down either, since I don't know him.  I"ve heard good things about them from folks who own them.  That's awesome.  

I"m also sure that he has a succession plan in case something terrible were to happen.  As someone who came down with MS at a fairly early age, I know how the best laid plans of mice and me often go astray.  As I said, I too will often have a piece in my system from a small or one man show.  It's just a buyer beware, that's all.j

Zen's post:
"My focus in my recent threads is mainly on boutique companies that stay off the radar, that make their products solely for music lovers, not Audiophiles that are just into gear. "  

Ok, rereading your post, I can see what you mean.  You just pointed out only Audiophiles who like gear and don't seem to like music too.  In reading it still comes off as they only make their gear for music lovers and not those of us who love both.  I guess there really must be gray area here.  Of course there is gray area.  Sorry if I have stepped on your toes in anyway.  Was just pointing out a couple of things that you posted initially that were wrong or misunderstood.  I hope to someday hear the Ascend line of speakers somewhere. It's all good.

It’s interesting to think that any audio company actually wishes to "stay off the radar" as it sounds like a bad business plan, but I sort of get it, and "direct marketing" makes sense these days (and I’d never heard of Ascend speakers until now, so I suppose I need to turn up my radar…they have a well done site as ALL small companies should but strangely often don’t). I was thinking about my Dennis Had single ended amp and wondered if you could get a shop started up to make more of them, and then realized his output is likely exactly where he wants it since he left Cary. Except for a line of "Dragon Inspire" headphone amps marketed by Moon Audio (which actually may be keeping old Dennis busy) his Ebay marketed amps just show up whenever he makes a new one. I whine about people hyping products on forums (don't ask), but when asked about my little Had amp I just have to say…uh…sorry...you sort of can't have one.
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... nobody in their right mind would try to sell what I'm using no matter how good it sounded.