Anyone heard the new Krell S-1000 pre/pro

I was looking on the Krell website and noticed. their new pre-amp processor. Among other things it has hdmi switching. Has anyone had the chanceto audition one?
Just heard it last night. It's STUNNING! There are layers of infomation, textures, subtle things, strings vibrating on frets, snare drums that aren't harsh anymore, there is a weight of sticks hitting cymbals, the bass guitars are SO punchy, like I have a brand new set of speakers!!! This think blows away the Showcase processor and amazingly, I'm hearing more information from it than the HTS 7.1 too. It really is that good. I listened exclusively to the the balanced input and in "preamp" mode only. No movie audition yet, that'll be tonight.
Yeah, get back to us on the "home theater auditioning", could you?! I'd be interested to know. My experience with the old HTS 5.1 was that it was superbly clean, compared to others, and yet not as dynamic perhaps as others I've auditioned, from a digital connection. Any feedack appreciated.