I ran the VAC Phi 200 before I switched to PS Audio BHK 300 mono's (better fit for my speakers, for sure). The VAC amp was very sensitive to bias balance between the output tubes, and when it was off (can be from a bad output tube) it created a God awful buzz in the one channel that sounded like some harmonic of 60 hz., but with a more "electronic" distortion complexity to it. Does this sound like what you are hearing, or is it a fairly pure, low tone? If this sounds familiar, you could try re-setting the biases on the output tubes. If that doesn't work, then it is likely that an output tube is shot, and they push-pull cannot balance.
I hope you get a chance to compare this to your BHK, as I would be interested to hear your findings. And what speakers will it be driving, if I may ask?