Who has heard the new Pass XA25?

Anyone heard this new Pass amp?
Stereophile's Herb Reichert's Pass XA-25 review was published online yesterday.
Terry,  I just noticed that you also reviewed the ZOTL40 and really like it.  Both the XA25 & ZOTL40 are similarly priced, which amp do you like better?  With a 15% off the ZOTL products this is quite tempting.
Hey bobheinatz,

I own the ZOTL40 amplifier and its a great sounding amplifier.  However, for my tastes the XA25 does everything better.  Also, I drive the XA25 with the LTA Mico-ZOTL and love this combo.
For folks thinking about either the Pass or LTA amps, you may want to consider the new LTA "Ultralinear" which is poised for release in the next few weeks. I had the pleasure of listening to a pre-production version for several weeks in my system and posted a "review" of my impressions here:


I haven't heard the new Pass XA25 but the new LTA is a remarkable amplifier--by far the best I've ever heard. If you are looking at this price point and power output range I would encourage a serious look at the Ultralinear.