Morrow IC's

I just noted that Morrow has a Christmas and New Year's sale right now.  35% off.  I am looking at buying a pair of IC's from them since they have a good Money Back Guarantee and trial period.  No lose situation.

I can't find many reviews from people that have used the Morrow MA 1.1 or MA 2 IC's.  

Anyone have any experience with either of these cables?  Both are in my price range with the discount.  

That review says it all...

As for the comment by fsonicsmith: "Mr. Morrow told me he no longer cared a wit whether I was satisfied or not, the $600 I had spent was my problem, not his." That is simply not true. I would never say, imply or even think such a thing. We do however hold to the return policy. 60 days is very generous, which begins the day one receives the cables.

Mike Morrow
Post removed 
fsonicsmith.  Actions speak louder than words.  You are deliberately trying to hijack my thread and use it for your own political purposes.  Not only is this pathetic but decidedly unethical and unacceptable net forum behavior.

Please take your personal problems and vendetta with Morrow Cables to the appropriate place.  Taking over my thread is not the place to do it.  I am really getting ticked off.
I'm not certain that Morrow cables are the best thing out there or that they sound better than the solid core AQ cables I've been using for years, and this is mostly because when I bought the Morrows I was changing my amp/preamp setup and speakers so everything was in flux (and also because nobody is likely to send me every well regarded cable to test in my rig)…but since I needed to replace a few balanced cables with single ended, the inexpensive Morrow cable I bought (including one pair of balanced cables to actually see if they were as cool as my AQs) seems to do its job and my system sounds fabulous (enough time has passed that the Morrow stuff is all broken in).  The philosophy of using the same conducting wire albeit in varying amounts seems like a good idea, and is what prompted me to try it in the first place.
Now after having close to 400 hours on the Morrow 1.1 IC's I can hear a noticeable difference from how they first sounded a few days after I started the burn in process.  With just three days to go, I have noted that Midrange has opened up and is much cleaner sounding.  Highs are now there and the Bass is strong but not over powering.  I can pick out instruments a bit better than with the Audio Art IC3 cable.  I'd say the 1.1 has a bit more forward presentation than the IC3 though it is not significant.  Thankfully.  Overall a very nice cable.