Axiom M80 VS Vienna Acoustic Beethoven on CJ 11A


I currently have a pair of Axiom M80 driven by a Conrad Johnson 11A power amp. I listen mostly to classical, percussion, and vocal. Very few jazz and no rock at all. Stereo only and no surround.

I'm looking for speakers upgrade and I listened to some Vienna Acoustic speakers (used to have a pair of Bach and auditioned Beethoven) and I got very good impression on them. In particular, I love their smoothness. The model I'm looking for is Beethoven, not the newest Beethoven grand however.

Unfortunately in home audition is not available so I'm looking for some opinions here.

Did anyone ever compare Axiom to VA? How do they compare?

Also, did anyone try CJ and VA combination and how do they match? I think both of them are warm but I'm not looking for some "too warm" sound.

Thanks for any thoughts and input. Any idea is appreciated.

Hi Maxx,

I replaced Axiom M80... Similar size and spec in fact, quite different sound however.
Congratulations Andy. I'd like to recommend Paul Spelz Anti-cables for your Beethovens if you have any cash to spare. They are quite cheap ($10 per foot pair) and handily bested the Kimber 8tc in my system. The Anti-cables had more clarity and gave me better extension in the bass and treble. They aren't very "pretty", however.
I'm currently running a pair of zu wax to my beethovens. I also have a pair of transparent cable music wave super lying around that I would like to try some time soon.

Hmm.. I have heard some good things about anticable. For $10/ft pair it's quite tempting. I will probably order a pair. If they beat both zu and transparent, I may in fact make some money by selling them off. =D

Thanks Boyhowdy.
the Vienna acoustics have a wonderful sound with my jolida jd502 amp. got both from brian higdon petery-hedden co. look him up on the web. in the Louisville area and he ships for free. he handles both. also I love the finish on the va speakers. I have nice furniture and they fit in, and sound better than they look. never been so happy with my sound system as I am now. thanks for letting me put in my two cents. bob

12-12-13: Boband212
the Vienna acoustics have a wonderful sound with my jolida jd502 amp. got both from brian higdon petery-hedden co. look him up on the web. in the Louisville area and he ships for free. he handles both. also I love the finish on the va speakers. I have nice furniture and they fit in, and sound better than they look. never been so happy with my sound system as I am now. thanks for letting me put in my two cents. bob
Where/how did you dig this ancient thread up?

In the ensuing 8-1/2 years, speaker designer Andrew Welker left Mirage (when Klipsch gutted it) and went to Axiom. Since then Bryston relied heavily on Axiom Audio to come out with their new speaker line, not that that has anything to do with what the OP needed in June 2005.