PSB Imagine T3's?

Anyone out there either own or are familiar with PSB Imagine T3 speakers? Are they higher end in sound quality, or mid-fi? How do they compare with other speakers in the $7500 vicinity?
We are a PSB dealer with the T3 on display. We also sell Kef, Paradigm, Dali, Legacy, and soon to be getting the Elac Adantes.

The T3 are not in the same ball park as the KEF Ref 3, we had the T3 in our theater and then upgraded to the KEF Ref 3 which were way better in every way, except for deep bass.

The T3 does have some of the best bass in any speaker under $10k, they have very deep, tight bass with a lot of punch. If you are a bass guy they are very hard to beat. For Rock, club music etc very hard to get a speaker with this kind of footprint to do what the T3 can do. 

We recently sold our display pair as we dramatically preferred the Legacy Signature which is $500 cheaper, is built in America, offers many custom finishes, and has a better overall sound in all areas except for deep bass which the T3 still had deeper tighter bass. The Legacy has a more delicate top end and an overall bigger soundstage with a warm tonal balance and an overall larger sense of space. 

The T3 has higher WAF as it is slimmer and it has a stunning rounded cabinet, the Legacy's are much boxier and bigger. 

If you are a bass freak these are hard to beat. We also prefer the Dali Rubicons which have a more delicate midrange, and a more focused soundstage, they do not have the slam and deep bass of the T3

If you have your heart set on the T3 please PM us we have a client who is iching to upgrade from the T3 his pair is about 2 months old in mint condition.

Hope this helps.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

I’ve owned the T3’s for about 18 months now.
They are neutral, and properly set up have a well voiced balanced mid-range and nice highs. The bass is tight and punchy and like another poster here I have the bottom 2 ports plugged. The bass is in no way bloated. The T3’s throw an extremely large sound-stage left to right and top to bottom. I use them in a 5.1 system with 4 T3’s and matching C3. The T3’s are very nicely balanced and do well on a wide variety of music.

I’ve been using them with a NAD M27 but just had a BAT VK-6200 delivered today and I am anxious to see how the do with the BAT.

Good luck with your purchase! =)
@chazzy007 I like the idea of all those T3s in a 5.1. I'm sure that sounds really good with the NAD Master--and I'm hoping it sounds even better with the BAT. Please post what you hear when it settles in.  
I am hoping the t3's will sound great in a 2 channel. It's my first hi end system, so I really don't have any idea what I am in for