Anyone hear Robert Plant's new release, Carry Fire?

I really like the music but the engineering sounds really strange to me. Anyone else feel the same? Perhaps it is just my system but I really don't like the engineering by Tim Oliver.
Too bad Plant didn't have either Dave Edmunds, a close friend of his, or Buddy Miller (whose albums Plant has previously appeared on), produce him. They both make great, organic sounding recordings, especially Buddy.
Haven't heard it but on some of his albums he has used T-Bone Burnett and the sound is as bdp24 describes.
Yes the sound on the cd anyway is not clean at all kind of muddled together. I wish it was cleaner too.
I wonder if the lp is different.
supposedly he produced it himself, but it reminds me of a daniel lanois record--sorta veiled, gauzy and "atmospheric".  i thought it sounded good, though the songs aren't as distinctive as his "raising sand" and his voice has clearly lost the upper register.