Diy interconnects RCA connectors.

I've made some pretty good sounding interconnects using Furutech FP126g RCA connectors. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with KLE harmony RCA connectors,or other higher quality ones under $100. a set.
I just ordered the entry level KLE Copper Harmony rca connectors and will be building a cable using them. I suspect they will sound very different from the Furutech FP126g.
I'm also wondering if anyone has experience using different brands of pure silver,solid core,wire. So far I've tested the Jupiter silver in cotton and silk casings,and the Neotech upocc silver in teflon. I believe the Jupiter is more open,and the slight "tizz" or haze isn't there. The Neotech might have produced slightly more midbass/bass presence,but my Emotiva system and Energy RC-70 speakers might not be quite good enough to make a more accurate comparison.

@lastninja - in response to your postng of the Aurealis Audio web content above.

Please checkout the KLE Innovations site and read the Brochure and Technical Paper

I think you will find that nowhere does it state that the Silver Harmony is fabricated from "solid silver".

It would appear that most people "ASSUMES" solid silver is used simply because of the name assigned to the plug.

Based on that "assumption" is it feasible to conclude that an American Express Gold Card is made of gold? I think not.

The "Silver Harmony" is just a name assigned to an RCA that achieves a higher level of performance that the Copper Harmony, but not as good as the Pure Harmony or Absolute Harmony.

To quote from their documents:
Proprietary mathematical modeling is utilized to produce the Silver Harmony’s ground to signal pin relationship, parameters, and determines the proprietary metallurgical processes that are used.

I think this fact has been overlooked by the people at Aurealis Audio on purpose. They may have stated in their advertising that Solid silver was used and a customer complained and are now covering their "assets"

In fact they seem to have gone one stage further and have actually mis-quoted snippets from KLE Innovations documents on purpose.

For what purpose I do not know, but it would appear they have an axe to grind with KLE Innovations and are willing mis-quote their documents in order to disparage the good name of KLE Innovations in favour of their own.

Personally - I have auditioned every plug from KLE Innovations at length and all I can is that it does not matter the Harmony plugs are not made from Solid Silver - each plug in the range, much like American Express cards, provide a level "service" that improves as you proceed up the product line.

The issues here should not be with KLE Innovations, a company that I trust and respct, but with that post on Aurealis Audio that appears to have no other goal but to disparage.

Regards - Steve
I finally built some I'cs using the KLEI Copper Harmony plugs. I got mixed results. The sound was a bit more open and clear. That's a good thing. For those who like classical,opera,strictly vocals,or jazz,I could recommend them. But from my experience with all wires and connectors that use silver,the bass becomes impotent. And that's not a good thing for me. The last rca plugs I tried and am happy with the results,are the Neotech dg201's. They seem as open as the Furutech FP126g with
a bit more impactful bass. And they're modestly priced. They also have a bigger opening so you can use more,or larger guage wires. So far,my best design is using 1 upocc Neotech 22 awg solid round wire,1 Neotech 24awg solid round, 2 Jupiter pure silver 28awg solid wires,and 1 Jupiter 26 awg solid wire. I used a 14awg and 18 awg Neotech stranded in pvc,for the ground wire.

I burned them in for over 300 hours and the results were fantastic.
I also got some new speakers,which are a bit more revealing than the Energy RC-70's. I now have the SVS Ultra Towers. I like them. More accurate and deeper 3d soundsatge. The bass is unreal. Fast,very deep,and you don't need a subwoofer. I can't figure out why more people haven't discovered them. And the build quality is great. The Energy RC-70's have a rich midrange. Much better than most all speakers I have heard in their price range. The Vienna Acoustics Mozart might be slightly better,but to my ears it's a tossup. The SVS Ultra Tower comes very close.Not quite as rich,but pretty close. But the inner detail on the SVS is umatched. And the smooth upper highs as well as the Energy's are somewhat dull. But for bass? I've never heard any speakers in this price range that makes such a deep,low,and full bass,without being thumpy.
@dayemo - the copper harmony are better than most other brands, but for the very best results the Silver, Pure and Absolute Harmony plugs really performs.

Since you appear to be into DIY please see the following link

These are my own DIY IC's. They provide very fast dynamics, large image, extended bass with superb bass control and extremely good clarity.

I recommend using 4% WBT silver solder for best results

Regards - Steve
I stumbled over a tv-coax years ago that has shown to be totally inaudible as an ic when used one lenght for + & -. It is the Vivanco KX-710. Tryed it up against a lot of top-ic`s, nothing comes really Close. A bit tricky to terminate, I prefer to use wbt- type rca`s and solder the minus through(!) the rear screw-hole in the plug.

This coax has also shown to be the ultimate digital coax. Wonder if Vivanco weill ever realise what they have done here.

I have seen a grown divorced* audiophile cry after hearing his system play through these wires. 

*real audiophiles are divorced or just single
Steve,thanks for the info. Although the KLEI silver rca plugs may be more open in the mids and highs,my experience with silver is that it doesn't produce bass. I know people say the bass just goes lower and faster but that's not my experience. The midbass has little impact. And the slam between 65 and 50 becomes lethargic. A lot of audiophiles seem to like this. I don't. I listen to a lot of classic rock. And some hard rock/metal. Pure silver interconnects seem the worst for these genres of music. I bought silver fuses for my system a few years back. The same thing happened. Oh,the clarity improved significantly,but there was no bass impact at all. And the sound was not natural sounding at all. Nothing like the recording engineers were shooting for.

The problem I have with many audiophiles is that they talk about systems and how good one thing is compared to another based upon what they want to hear. That's ok. But when people say this is more natural sounding etc... and I know some of these guys aren't musicians or have spent time in a studio,I don't think they know what they're talking about.
I've been in audio stores listening to guys talk like this. They didn't know the difference between a Gibson Les Paul and a Fender Strat sound. Or what amp was being used. If they couldn't differentiate between these two electric guitars with signature sounds,how could they possible know what speakers sounded more natural I asked. I've been listening to music for over forty years now. I played both acoustic and electric guitar. My ex wife was a musician as well. She played clarinet and flute. I can hear the difference between a cheap Armstrong vs a much more expensive one.
The same goes for different brands of acoustic guitars.

I'm trying not to be offensive here. But truthfully,I don't know of many guys in this hobby that really know what they're talking about. They may know what they like to hear,and that's ok. And when it comes to listening to live bands. They don't realize that a lot of the equipment,especially the loud monitors,are cheap and are designed for one main purpose. Volume. And durability,because they are taken on the road and have to be packed up nightly. (I also have a little experience being a roadie.) Now, being in a studio and recording is very different. Helping in the mix and giving feedback gives you experience. And I have a little of that.

So I want my interconnects to sound natural and real,as well has have good depth and imaging. Too much silver negates this. Most engineers do not use silver wired or terminated cables. They use copper. From the mic cords to the monitor cables. And they engineer the mix of the recording with copper cables in mind. But everyone has their preferences and I respect that. I think this is a dying hobby as most young people don't listen to stereo systems anymore. They listen to music on their phones with crappy earbuds. Or in cars. And much of the pop music today isn't very good either,in my opinion. I'm done experimenting with making Ic's for now. I've spent way too many hours on them. My wife thinks I'm crazy,lol. That goes for power cords,and speaker cables as well. I'm just going to enjoy what I've accomplished now,and listen to music.