In a methodical and calculated plan to try moving my equipment to the front of my room I have started to test some of the issues I anticipate. The first being that I never ran a third dedicated outlet in the front of my room between the two dedicated 20 amp lines I ran for my amps. I’m a dope but it is what it is. I have 3 choices: 1) run both amps off of one outlet/circuit and the other outlet/circuit goes to the conditioner feeding the preamp/DAC/Server, 2) run the amps off of their current dedicated lines but plug the conditioner for the preamp/DAC/Server into one of the two same outlets, 3) run another circuit/outlet for the preamp/DAC/Server.
Tried 1 and it dramatically compromised performance. My amps suck MASSIVE current; and the two monoblocks aren’t good at sharing one 20 amp circuits goodies. It’s like two adults sucking a shake from the same straw - the straw will just collapse under the overwhelming vacuum and neither will get any milkshake.
2 is not an option as it would do essentially the same thing considering that the DAC, server AND preamp will draw enough current to affect whatever amp is sharing the outlet. Not even trying.
So so now I need to run another line. Sigh.....
BUT it was an awesome lesson. We will repeat the same test next week with Merrill’s new statement class D amps. They are crazy efficient and crazy good! I am super curious to see if they are immune to current sharing unlike most, if not all, class A/AB amps.
The difference through a single circuit was not subtle! Dynamics were stifled, the soundstage partially collapsed, and the whole system sounded softer! So anyone considering running some dedicated 20 amp lines for your amp or amps should definitely go for it. It’s probably the biggest, cheapest upgrade you can do!! Improve accuracy, dynamics and staging. Spend the little extra and get the best outlets you can afford; they do matter. I have Furutech GTX-D NCF outlets.