Upgrading woofers in a/d/s L2030, need help

Hi folks, I have a pair of a/d/s L2030 speakers which have two 14" woofers in sealed enclosures. I am unaware of how many cu ft each driver is exposed to.
The drivers have a hexagonal shape.

I have owned a pair of infinity irs beta's in the past and loved the bass response. I am driving a bi-amp setup with one adcom 555 for the woofers both sides.

I am not getting enough bass out of the speakers, but I love the mids and highs, so I was thinking of upgrading the drivers.

I would create a plate out of metal to match the hexagonal shape of the original drivers, and then cut out an appropriate mounting circle.
I could get away with 13" or more standard 12" drivers.

As tacky as it seems, I may select a car audio driver that works well with sealed enclosures of various sizes. I had one of the 14" drivers replaced, and when it was out I noticed how puny the magnet was. And how today's voice coil structures and magnets seem infinitly larger.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Hello there,

I have a C2000 already, but if I didn't I would have contacted you immediately. Thank you for your offer though.

I own a pair of ADS L2030's and can't imagine someone not getting enough bass out of them. Perhaps you are not using enough current. I use an old SAE P500 which delivers a stable 500 watts per channel. A high current ampifier should really wake those speakers up. Also, about 2-months ago I had to re-glue the surround to the speaker basket. When I removed the woofer (for the 1st time since I have owned them) I noticed that the wire to the drivers was extremely light-weight, no more than an inexpensive bargain quality 16 gauge wire. It mad me laugh. You may want to contact some of the senior engineers at ADS and see if there is a history of anyone ever improving performance by re-wiring. I was thinking about calling myself, but I am so satisfied with my speakers that it became a low priority. One of the electronic reps told me that SAE had upgraded the electronic crossovers after their original lifespan and drastically improved perfomance. I was going to call Karen Metros, the national sales rep and find out the details, but because I never biamp the speakers, it once again became a low priority. I know she has left the company, but someone there must know about this update. Good Luck!
Dear Andrew and Ron: Take a look here: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?vdone&1115433273

The quality sound reproduction of my L2030 are really great and I'm very satisfied with it and with any single up-grade that I alredy do on its.

Regards and enjoy the music.

I am using a Velodyne 15" sub with my L2030's and the system sounds great. I bypass the subs electronic crossover by feeding the ADS speakers and the Velodyne directly from the preamp. The velodyne has an adjustable crossover frequency and slope which I have set to 60 HZ at 12 dB/Octave. Speaker placement is very critical for optimum bass performance. I prefer placing the speakers with the mids and tweeter on the outside rather than the usual inside position. I toe the speakers in to align the mids and tweeter with the listening position. This produces the cleanest low end bass and also widens the sound stage by having the mids and high end farther apart.
I concur that placement of L2030's is key. A good deal of experimentation is necessary to get the lows in that sweet spot of your listening room. When placement is right, you should have the perfect amount of bass, tracking nicely with your volume adjustments. I also have a pair of ADS L2030 spkrs, and may consider selling them. I have done 98 (all positive) electronic and speaker transactions on my eBay screen name "mamwholovedwomen", but have yet to do any sales on Audiogon. I've sold L1230's on eBay, as well as a beautiful pair of ADS studio 910's. My 2030's are also nice, and as rare as they're getting to be, I'm expecting they should bring $2000.00. I've never seen any L2030's sell on Audiogon, although occassional 1230 and 1530's pop up pretty often. Pricing help? Thanks.