Can One Display Their Audio Wares on Audiogon?

I have a small start-up company that produces clear acrylic products for use with vintage JBL ring radiators and ESS AMTs.  Can I show and/or advertise on this site or is that a no no?

Ha ha ha ha, Ok FolkFreak. THAT was the post that "I" needed to see in order to learn how to, and how not too", post certain things I
  have or make and would offer at times but wasn't sure how to.
 What happened to the messaging that used to be available here. 
OK, now I'm really confused.

These are the posted rules:
  • You will not submit content that is copyrighted or subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy, publicity, trade secret, etc., unless you are the owner of such rights or have the appropriate permission from their rightful owner to specifically submit such content.
  • You will not post information that is malicious, false or inaccurate.
  • You will not post content that is sexually expicit.
  • You will not post content that is abusive or defames another member of The Service.
My post violates none of them.

I mearly included links that show what my product does.  I posted no prices or even any means to obtain them.  All of the links are demos of what it does, or pics of what's included.

These is no sales pitch (though I see nothing in the rules prohibiting that).

So, according to the posted rules, what have I done wrong?
Whoa boy! Relax, You seem to be good natured.
 Maybe they will only have you make that trip out to the barn once.
    Regardless, I am interested in some parts. Just not "those" parts.
  Just how well does a, "sonic lens", work? Diffraction? Wave interaction/corruption?
  I'm guessing that they can be tuned? Is it similar to "Wave guide"?