Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

In case anyone is is a list of the parts I ended up with for my filtering system:

(1) Bayliite model BYT-7A102 RV water pump from Amazon, rated at 12V, 3A,1GMP
(2) Hotor DC converter, Input 100-240V/50-60Hz, Output 12V DC +/- 1V, Max Amp 10A. ( From what I’ve read, I went with this higher rated output model because from other users’ experience across the board, sometimes these products are mislabeled at a higher output than the actual output). (Amazon)
(3) Roadpro 12V plug, (Amazon) This was not necessary but I thought a conveinience that has since proven to me to be just that. It’s just a simple plug adapter like one would use in their auto to run a 12 V device. One comes with a 2Amp fuse, this isn’t enough, I bought a 10Amp fuse. Careful though, as it has to be 6mm x 30mm or it will not work. The benefit is, I use it to disconnect/connect power while I’m cleaning without stressing the two wire connectors. This may be just something I find useful.
(4) The Baylite pump has 3/8" NPT barbs, So in spite of the fact I bought the filter housing with 1/4" barbs, I bought 1/4" to 3/8" adapters (brass) for my fittings.
Then of coarse you use teflon tape on all of your fittings. This all matches the input/output of the pump and makes life easier in that one has to buy just one size of hose.

alf, doing a cost comparison between a US system VS replacing your bad records assumes you will then stop buying LPs.  In addition to all the reasons posted here, it sounds like you may continue shopping for records in bargain bins, so a US will soon put you ahead cost wise.

terry9, how could you judge the sonics of a record if it was sealed? ;^)  (Just pulling your chain, I expect you meant previously sealed.)
@pryso ,

I can easily answer this for him..

In the context of the previous discussion, there was a reason to post one extreme from another. In the case that @terry9 sited, was just a reminder that even if one buys a sealed lp, there’s no guarantee it will be in Mint condition.The chain lengthens........

Sorry slaw, you missed my apparently bad attempt at humor.  My question was how terry could evaluate a record if it was still sealed?  Obviously that was not his intent, but that's the way it read.

On subject, I still utilize a VPI machine, although I intended to set up a US cleaner.  I will say that I too have sometimes noted LPs which appear quite beat up but play cleanly, while I also have some which look "pristine" but do have pops or crackles.  I'm hoping the US will eliminate those.