Newbie needs Streamer Advise

Hi , I am relatively new to digital streaming and Hi Fi too, for that matter . So I have assembled a modest system and wish to replace my old Windows 7 laptop as my source .                                         My system is currently the following . Laptop with a Cardas Clear USB. Musical Fidelity’s M1CDT transport, A Schiit Yiggy , Rogue RP1 preamp , Dennis Had Inspire SEP amp. Zu Omens , Klipsch RF sub , Monster HTS 1600 Power center . All my tubes are high quality NOS and some new production power tubes.  My Interconnects are unbalanced Morrow MA5, CD has a Morrow Digital Coax , speaker cables are Anti - Cables Level 3. Power cables are Silnote Poseidon and an Analysis digital power cord on the Yiggy .                                       The Klipsch sub and the Monster power center are next up to be replaced . I’m running low power (12 wpc ) and the sub is straight into the wall socket . Right now I have no issues with grounding, noise or amp being underpowered .                                So back to streaming . I’m using Tidal and I am happy with their service. I have fast internet . I am however limited to WI FI for my Connection . I’m considering products like an Aurilic Mini or a Bluenode2 . I want to replace the laptop with something that I could control from an IPhone or IPad . I’m also interested in any experience with Amarro or some of the other services. I would like to budget at $1k as it’s a new venture for me .                           So please chime in and don’t forget to DUMMY DOWN your vocabulary for this neophyte.            Respectfully, Mike B. 
buellrider97- I don't think you have a modest system, actually it looks like you have invested a fair amount of $$. I am sure it sounds great. About your question though, digital audio is a vast territory that is changing very, very quickly. More and more companies are offering streaming. I think Amazon prime now offers music streaming but there will be many others getting into the action. The hardware itself is getting better- DACs, wired and wireless connectivity, HDD, etc, etc. So no matter what you get, there will be something offering more versatility and even better sound right around the corner after you get your new streamer tweaked. Think of it, CD, SACD, plus DSD, AIFF and FLAC files, streaming lo-rez and hi-rez and now MQA.  When I switched from a computer based digital audio system to outside the computer it started with a Squeezebox then Logitech Squeezebox then Pure Audio I20 dock for my Iphone that I patched into my hi-fi system. Now I use a Bluesound Node 2, a Western Digital NAS and a powerline Wired ethernet connection. Sounds great to me but I had clear ideas in my mind before I bought the Node 2.
I would ask what you want in the new streaming device. I had wanted about 5 things.

1 I wanted to be un-tethered from a computer and use my Iphone or Ipad as a controller.

2 I wanted to be able to play ALL my digital files on HDD, that I had via Itunes and ripped from my own CDs. Wireless or wired.

3 I also wanted a very good and versatile streaming player and MQA was a bonus. As it turned out, I really like MQA.

4 The ability to send a digital signal out to another DAC.

5 I wanted something on a limited budget.

The Bluesound Node 2 was able to do all those things for $500. If I had not wanted the trouble of tagging files like artwork so that Bluesound could recognize the files I could have gotten the Vault 2 and re-ripped CDs or sent all the digital files INTO the Vault.
Once you know what you want in a steamer and that it can ALL change tommorrow, dive in and be happy with listening to music.

I am going to assume that the sq from the node 2 is similar to the vault 2 which i have owned for over a year now and still feel no need to replace.
Even though in theory the analog outs of the vault/node support full 192, I still found that I preferred the sq out of the vault via coax into the dac of my Exogal Comet or lately the DAC of my Hegel H160. That is just my opinion in my system and ymmv.

I also own an Oppo 105 and although very slight I think the vault has the edge on Tidal playback.
That being said the Oppo is a fantastic all in one solution that does give you access to a lot of additional media like sacd. bluray audio etc.

You would likely be happy with either or for 2k you can get both!
“You would likely be happy with either or for 2k you can get both!”

uberwaltz- A brilliant solution. If the OP does not like how both units fit into his hi-fi needs, he can sell the one he does not want. Both of these units the Oppo and Bluesound are popular now. Both get fantastic reviews from users.

In fact many retailers have a generous return policy. It is likely he could just return the brand he does not like. I say get both!!
@mattmiller , Today I pulled the Monster power out . I also installed two Orange Hubbell 20 amp outlets . Just put everything back together . I need to let it warm up for a full day before I do any critical listening . My Richard Grey 600S  arrived in black and was returned for silver  , so within the next week , I’ll add that to the mix. Still haven’t pulled the trigger on a streamer . I’m receiving 2 NOS GENELAC GOLD LION KT-88’s with the power supply too . Due to purchasing 6 Metallica tickets yesterday , I won’t be getting the streamer in March . I did hear some hum on my system without the Monster , but I have flouresent lights and dimmer lights . I turned them off and it was immediate quiet .  I’ll let you know what happens after my system settles back in and also down the road with the power supply . Will probably get the Node2 in about 3-4 weeks when I return from Maui . Thanks for the guidance , Mike B.