Well, since I'm a glutton for punishment in recent month I decided to double down on my audio purchases and will be trading in the Cambridge Audio 840A along with the cash from selling the Cambridge Audio 551R and a little out of my personal funds for a Pathos Classic One MKiii that's at one of my local shops that I enjoy doing business with. I do have a 30 day money back policy to cover me if I decide it was a stupid move.
I think the hybrid amplifier with a bit more power than my Yaqin just might work well for me. I've heard the amp before in years past when I purchased my speakers and receiver, but I never focused on it based on the systems it was connected to and such. One of my more memorable listening experiences was with the Pathos Logos (similar design with more power) and a pair of Focal 807v speakers. The owner set me up with that system to do a speaker cable comparison (hardware store cable vs. a $2,000 set that I had no idea how much it cost until after). The 807v speakers are the large bookshelf speaker in the same lineup as my 836v floor standing speakers and they have the same tweeter. I remember being really really impressed with the detail in that setup. Pathos has always been on par, but different, with Krell so I'm excited to give this amplifier a try.
I should be bringing it home tomorrow. It's been on loan to a local retail shop so the owner had to go retrieve it and I needed to get my amplifier all packed up.
I'll be sure to report on how I like it, but I'm curious to see what you all think. Did I just make another lateral move or possible make a nice improvement?
I think the hybrid amplifier with a bit more power than my Yaqin just might work well for me. I've heard the amp before in years past when I purchased my speakers and receiver, but I never focused on it based on the systems it was connected to and such. One of my more memorable listening experiences was with the Pathos Logos (similar design with more power) and a pair of Focal 807v speakers. The owner set me up with that system to do a speaker cable comparison (hardware store cable vs. a $2,000 set that I had no idea how much it cost until after). The 807v speakers are the large bookshelf speaker in the same lineup as my 836v floor standing speakers and they have the same tweeter. I remember being really really impressed with the detail in that setup. Pathos has always been on par, but different, with Krell so I'm excited to give this amplifier a try.
I should be bringing it home tomorrow. It's been on loan to a local retail shop so the owner had to go retrieve it and I needed to get my amplifier all packed up.
I'll be sure to report on how I like it, but I'm curious to see what you all think. Did I just make another lateral move or possible make a nice improvement?