Amps for Paradigm Persona 3f

Looking for experience of Audiogoners and dealers in good amp matches for Persona 3f.
System in a medium sized, oddly shaped room with very little bass node action. Jazz, pop, geezer rock listened to at moderate volume. If you have any specific experience with Parasound A-21, PrimaLuna Integrateds, (got a Prologue 2), Hegel 80, (also own)-I am especially curious. Realize that’s a few levels below the typical amp mating for this Paradigm model.
Any suggestions, and real world experience are welcome (higher price point suggestions are also good, even expected). Thanks
Contuzzi we have both the seperates as well as the integrated in the same room.

Like the integrated love  the seperates.

We find the seperates to be warmer and more involving. 

Perhaps the seperates were wired up with cheapie cables.

Dave and Troy 
Audio Doctor NJ

We might be able to assist you directly we sell many of the major brands of electronics.

We sell the Anthem STR, the Antem STR Separates, T+A integrateds, Micromega, Naim, Electrcompaniet. NAD Masters, and we usually have a few trade in amplifiers around.

It will come down to sound and features. Not all of these make magic with the Personas.

Doesn’t your dealer also sell the Anthem STR products?

The Anthem, STR amp and preamp on good cables and power conditioning produced some of the best sound we have heard with the 3F. The seperates are easily worth the extra money over the STR integrared. 

Personally I would take a T+A integrated over any thing other then the seperates but the R series costs $11,500 while the HV series costs $18k!

The STR integrated seems to be voiced differently, we dramatically prefered the Micromega M100 over the STR integrated with the 3F.

Cables do make a huge difference, Contuzzi isn’t right on that one.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
What interconnects would you use with the Anthem STR separates, and what speaker cables do you find to be synergistic with the Persona 3fs?