What would you choose for about $1k, ZU DW, SVS Ultra bookshelf or Tekton Lore?

I need your help upgrading from my first system (NAD with B&W 602’) to my next system, that I hope will last me for the next 10 years. My budget for speakers is just over $1200. I have narrowed it down to either the SVS Ultra bookshelf, the Tekton Lore or Zu’ upcoming DW Omen special ( should I include Magnipan .7’?) -which of these three-four would you select and why? I am running a Schiit Vidar with Schiit Saga preamp. I love all kinds of music, my music room is about 12 feet by 24 by 12 feet. My main mission is for high quality stereo sound at a reasonable price -that will be a good improvement on my current B&W 602 setup. Thank you! 
With the bookshelves and the maggies, you will definitely need a sub in a room that big. There are lots of fans of the Zu and same for the Lore.  You have a pretty big room and I suspect that the Lore will have a better low end just based on reviews and forum comments...the F3 for the Lore is around 42hz with useable output into the 30s.

I own the Lore. Massive soundstage with both depth and width. Probably as a result of the high efficiency related jump factor, it is as though you are seated front row center. They are easy to drive and have both punch when you need it and delicacy as well. They will need 100-200 hour of break in to really bloom. The overall sound can be easily tweaked with tow in tow out and slight cant forward or backward depending on your listening position. They sound best when at least 18" out from a rear wall.

I've had other loudspeakers at home recently including Elacs and Kefs so I would say that  $1000 and up loudspeakers have the sound signature that the designer wanted.  When volume matched, the Kef LS50 (with a sub) were fairly similar to the Lores but with a small soundstage and much dynamic impact.

You really can't go wrong with either of these but if you opt for the Lore, then spend the $100 and get the grills, even if you aren't going to use them, which will make resale easier if you do decide to upgrade before the 10 year mark....and, if you go with the Lores and go with the grills, don't let them ship the speakers without the grills.

What I've learned that it's not much impact on how low speakers can go flat -- it's how they're balanced and voiced to present.
JBL4430 is winner and you gotta probably wait-up a-bit more to get REAL ones that will fill your room. They will work good with any NAD. 
One thing I didn't mention...

Originally I had the Lores in a 3500 cubic foot room...they could easily do 95 db at the listening position 12' back with plenty of toneful low end and balance overall without a subwoofer...probably using less than 30 watts given their efficiency.

I suspect both the Lore and Dirty Weekend will sound good with the Vidar.  I've used the Crown XLS200, Nuprime STA9 and Halo A23 with the Lores and all were a good fit with their own unique differences.
Thank you all -specifically you who have clearly taken some time to respond here--I am actually a little blown away by this user group (my first visit here). I have an e-mail into Eric at Tekton and may even call in a little later today. I am going to try and audition the Vandersteen (which, thanks to info from gdnrbob, I understand may be closer to my location). I am also reading up on all the other mentioned suggestions-thanks again.  Anyone have thoughts re the SVS Ultra bookshelf-these seem to be getting excellent user reviews. I am amazed by the small number of actual user info on youtube regarding Zu, Tekton and other suggestions.  I will report findings soon.