Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thanks for the rant!

There are further involvements and interactions resulting from coherence that relate to the amplifier discussion above and many more aspects of sonic performance. In business it is impolite to blame the upstream signal chain for less than satisfying sonic results. But truth be told, a coherent speaker doing its (Thiel defined) job of absolutely representing in all domains the input signal fed to it has an impossible job. There are thousands of ways that a signal is corrupted from acoustic (or augmented) event, through the recording, storage and playback chain to reach the listener's ears.

In this thread and elsewhere, some have opined that Thiels are less forgiving of amps and this lines up well with your comments here. Most Thiels do an excellent job of reproducing the signal fed to them. That is, they are highly resolved, transparent and neutral. But it's a precarious position. Flaws in upstream components (amps, sources, cables, recordings) are more readily heard by listeners. Listeners (and reviewers) with flawed gear might mistakenly blame the speaker as the Thiels reveal the flawed gear.

But the flip side is the possibility - with exemplary amps, sources, and cabling - of standout performance; great musical clarity and emotional connection to the performance. And this is what I'm hearing in system :)
I find my 2.4’s very easy to tune in to my room and equipment. Maybe because their design causes them to be close to a truly neutral piece that you can go many ways and get great sound. I had some 1.2’s. They both are/were easy to make warm and round, or razor edge outlines and very transparent, or anything in between. One thing among other things I like about the Thiel’s I have had and others that I have listened to for some time is they communicate well. I don’t know how to describe it well, but I consider music to be communication of a sort from the musician, the instrumentalist mainly but also the vocalist, and that is what I want from my music, and I get that more over a wider range of music from these speakers than I have from others I have enjoyed listening to over the years.
Anyway like Tom thanks for letting me vent. Just kidding. Hope everyone is enjoying their systems. And thanks to Tom we are enjoying our systems a little more with some insights behind the speakers.
I did not view the post as venting- tomthiel
I found the information more informative with additional insight into the speakers. I received a reply to my query from Anthem reporting that an attempt will be made to ask the engineers for current in (A) measurements.

Happy Listening!
Excellent points/counterpoints -beetlemania
I concur about the upstream components being easier to detect by listeners. Happy Listening!