Mellow speakers for a digital piano

I have been trying to get my digital piano to sound more mellow instead of so sharp / tinny.

What I have been using are Focal CMS40 powered monitors and JBL LSR 305 powered monitors.
I get a nice clear sound but it is too sharp, yet.   I have tried EQ boxes and even that does not do it for me.

I hear piano sounds (internet) from various sources and I long for that sound from my piano.

I wish to find something I can put on a stand behind my piano and at ear level.

I have read things on this site that are encouraging but have no idea if what someone else likes is what I would like.    

Any thoughts ?
Get a pair of 2 way powered P.A. speakers and a small pro audio sub. I use a pair of Mackie C200 10" wide dispersion speakers on stands in my studio rig (non powered, driving them with an old Alesis amp as it’s quiet…no fans), with a small Mackie mixer (PROFX8…el has an assignable graphic EQ as well as decent channel EQ and effects to play with if needed), and a now discontinued 92lb Mackie 500 watt sub (HR120 or something). My synth/piano sounds astonishing through this system…but you can get a little powered sub that will sound fine. Note that the newest "powered" version of these Mackies are lighter than my older, non powered ones (neodymium magnets), and, obviously, you then don’t need an amp…just any mixer.
“It takes $1800 worth of amplification to power some passive Dentons”

Definitely not and I was not suggesting that. Just thought I’d save the OP the trip down multiple rabbit holes trying to find the various components to mix and match and ultimately not meet his goals. Otherwise, there are probably infinite options out there depending on on budget and use environment.
Funny you should mention "infinite options" .....

I was just going to respond about the various options now beginning to sound like there is no reliable option ... only what various users have experienced and were happy with.

I absolutely appreciate any and all responses .... that is what I came here for .... but I am now reluctant to dive in to any one of them as it sounds like it may not give me that "final solution" I am striving for.

So ... now I have decided to cut my losses and take a partial bit of advice from one of the responders.   I will order a small mixer and put it in the sound chain I already have and see what happens.

This mixer ...

Maybe I can shape the sound enough to get out of this funk.

Thanks for all the help.

Any more responses are still welcome.  I will read them and add them to my list of "options for later" as this problem never seems to go away for good.

I have JBL 305's in one of my studio rooms and they do digital pianos just find. They have a softer upper end than the Revels in my main room. I suspect it's the samples your piano is playing and not the monitors.