Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords

......looking to put this on my Silver Circle Audio 5.0SE Power Conditioner. I like the Shunyata's - which can be a little thin to my ears ....and the rest of my system is Purist Audio 20th Anniversary along with Limited Edition Power cords .....However, my speaker cables are the Cardas Clear Beyond ...because they were so damm good, so any thoughts on what this power cord is like would be helpful.
Absolutely, to my ears and in my system Clear Power ("Golden Reference II") is less bright than Golden Reference Power, but it is also more neutral (less brightness, less midbass bloom, more naturally warm, less congested sound).

Golden Reference Power pushes sound forward, now I use it on home theater equipment  (a/v receiver and MySky HD, I would like to find other two for oled tv and blu ray).

I read some of you use Golden Reference Power on source, that’s why in my opinion Beyond Interconnects may sound a bit bright: in the Golden Reference series there was a sort of compensation, where brightness of power cable was tamed by darkness of the interconnects, so if you replace the latter with a neutral cable like the Beyond, colorations of the former will come out.

In my experience Beyond interconnects require Beyond(XL!?) Power on integrated or main amps, Clear Power on preamps (I guess; I have an integrated) and small filters dedicated to low power absorption gear (digital sources and preamps), Clear Beyond Power on sources, Clear (now Beyond XL!?) Power on power strips/conditioners/regenerators.

As I told before, Clear Beyond power on power strips (/etc.) may make another Clear Beyond after (in series) to source or/and amps sound not well.

New series do not blend well with older ones.
Hello Biggy ....not sure where you are coming up with all of these observations. You had noted in your experience ; '' Beyond interconnects require Beyond XL Power '' .... Cardas hasn't shipped the Beyond XL's so let me know on that one. Also not sure on the ; '' do not use CB's on power strips, power conditioners or power distribution units in succession with other CB's connected to equipment as they might sound well ''......I am lost on that one. Also the assumption that the Beyond XL's will have a  ''warmer'' presentation than the original Clear Beyond's as Cardas's Clear line has been to get a neutral presentation yet remain true to the musical presentation has me also scratching my head. The Beyond XL's are said to be of a much higher AWG than the CB's, larger toroidal as well as a vastly improved ground that the purpose was to make power for equipment that will benefit from a higher gauge of wire and improved ground. I personally said that the Cardas Clear Line was bright was not looking at their equipment as this line is dead spot on neutral which some audiophiles can't handle the '' truth '' - or understand that's what reproduced music sounds like. Cardas has always had the reputation of being warm and colored from way back during the Golden Reference days but they have a real winner here and most people have not caught up to that fact and have taken the time to listen to the Clear line.         
1) as you noticed, I noted "in my experience";
2) I never said Clear Beyond Interconnects require Beyond Power XL, I think my meaning was...clear: Golden Reference series do not blend with Clear(Beyond) series;
3) about using C.B. in succession, me and another audiophile I know had the same experience: it may not work... sorry if it is annoying you;
4) does my expectation of a "warmer" Beyond XL Power seem so weird, since the same thing happened when Cardas launched Beyond Interconnects, thicker, richer, fuller, more musical than Clear Rev.1 Interconnects?
5) Clear Power sounds warmer than Golden Reference and matches with the "highly neutral" (I would say overly "flat") Clear Rev.1 Interconnects, while Golden Reference Power sounds brighter and more forward to compensate the dark, laid back sound of Golden Reference Interconnects... what’s wrong with it?
It seems strange since it is named "Clear", but Cardas itselfs admits that Clear Power comes from the ashes of Golden Reference Power.

Sorry again if my opinion and experience with Cardas Cables (since 2010) bother you.
@garebear @guidocorona @biggy79 FYI I heard from Cardas dealer today that Cardas has shipped my CCBXL PCs. Hopefully, we will hear soon enough how the new XL compares to CCB. When they arrive I will burn them in for about 500 hours before I comment on their sound.

Hello Biggy........thank you for your response and you didn't bother me at all so you can sleep well tonight. My questions were not meant to cause you any problems. I was just wondering as you were referencing the Cardas Clear Beyond XL power cords and they hadn't been shipped yet so it caused me to wonder as Cardas was selling some XL's prototypes earlier last year and was wondering if you had one. I have a full loom of Clear Beyond and was also wondering if I should change out the Shunyata power cords on my Shunyata Triton and Typhon down the road but made a reference that this did not sound well. So I thought I would ask if you knew something I didn't.

So anybody who has changed out their Shunyata Power Cords on their Triton and Typhon's let me know.

**** Thanks Al and I hope all is well and I ordered an XL yesterday from Antony Perotta and will let you know what I think of these PC's.