TV gives me a headache when its on; any suggestions?

i'd like to have shows on in the background, but i find if the bugger is playing, my playback suffers (stage compression by way of higher noise floor) and i get a headache.

apartment dweller, btw. 

Large ferret might work as well - just try to wrap AC cord over it and soon you will forget minor problems with your system's sound
I think you mean ferrite bead. Although maybe a large ferret might work. ;|
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I remember my fight with landlord long time ago to get more than 15 amps my whole apartment was wired to with appliances. 
I could not run neither microwave, vacuum or AC.
My solution was to pull wire from common basement 50amp mains directly to my apartment panel nice clean and quiet.

just fyi everyone.

i've a new apartment, and the tv and stereo (and several other lights, incl fluorescents and fans / dimmer switches) are all on the same breaker (15a). 
the tv had an iso-tranny (1kva) but that clearly wasn't enough.

things improved markedly when i ran the tv, through the tranny, into a diff breaker. 

(never liked trannys in series w/ the AC to the stereo). 

might try some caps across the +/- for duplexes on the same breaker. more to come.