While the manual makes no mention of it being either fully balanced or bridged, even though the manual includes a fairly lengthy description of its design characteristics and features, I see the following statement in the description provided at its webpage:
Sharing our design goals of fully differential-balanced construction to eliminate many causes of noise, allowing more details of your music and movies to emerge, we have also “voiced” the amplifier to sound tube-like, with a sweet high end and a lush and involving midrange.So the reference to "fully differential-balanced construction" may account for the "Caution" statement I quoted in my previous post. Although I also see that the amp can be readily modified into an SA-500.1, which is a much more powerful monoblock in which the channels are either bridged or paralleled (it's not quite clear which). Together with the manual providing no indication of the amp being differentially balanced that leaves me uncertain as to the accuracy of the reference to "fully differential-balanced construction."
In any event, given also the low input impedance of the SA-200.2 it may be prudent to look elsewhere for an amp.
-- Al