Missing Link

What would you add to the folowing system for best streaming experience?  Is there an all-in-one solution DAC/Streamer/NAS? I find my current iMac/OPPO 103/AppleTV setup rather inelegant and buggy. Entire system is as follows:

Line Magnetic 219ia integrated amplifier
OPPO 103 DVD Player
VPI Classic 3 turntable Sutherland Ph3D phono amplifier
Sutherland Audio Definition Mk.IV speakers

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjjgasp

Completely concur with willie, and the price ($500) is hard to beat.

Now, if you want to go real budget, you can also try Chromecast Audio and use optical connection but that's pretty similar to your current AppleTV arrangement. For $35 it's a great value and depending on system synergy it can compete with more expensive streamers.

@jbhiller - there are a couple out there that I like and they range in budget

Anti Cables has some nice looking cables - $180US - I like the braided geometry...

Silver Resolution from Signal Cable - around $250US

For an exceptional power cord try the Power AC 2 from KLE Innovations - around $350US 

Then there are the DIY cables that I use

The Helix is the best geometry for a power cable I have tried to date and can be made fairly cheaply depending on the wire used - the cables in the link will better cables exceeding $1500 and maybe even higher.

For a very affordable high performance DIY cable that is a little easier to consruct...
- take a piece of 12 gauge extension cord from Home Depot
- remove the sheathing and take out the wires
- braid the wires
- Attach the spades (from the link above)
- attach Sonar Quest mains connectors 
- Screen is not required - the braid geometry defeats most all noise issues
- a piece of expandable nylon sleeve finishes it of nicely

If you want to improve on the braided design - instead of the Home Depot extension cord buy a piece of Encore bulk power cable from DH Labs and perform the same steps above. For higher current draw components try DH Labs Power Plus bulk cable.

I consider the cables in my system to be on equal footing with my  components, so I do not consider it "frivolous" that my cables may equal or even exceed the cost of the components they are attached to.

Hope that helps - Steve