As an owner (who is selling) and an owner of the Unifi series for years I have advice for anyone thinking of the Adante's. I plopped them into my system that was built around speakers that are much more mellow sounding and realized they will show you exactly what your system sounds like. That's a double edged sword because if you just plop them into your system built around other speakers, it may not be the perfect match. These speakers are worthy of building a system around. The speakers are absolutely engaging and command your attention so if you are looking for a pair of "pipe and slippers" speakers you are in the wrong place. That being said, for anyone willing to build a system around them, they have the potential to be revelatory. As with all systems matching is critical and the Adante's are certainly no exception. I wish I still had my Quicksilver amps or Primaluna as I would bet they would be a fantastic match for them. Choosing sterile solid state with them would certainly be a mistake. Compared to the Unifi UB5's they are much more extended with a lot more treble energy. They are also far more transparent and dynamic as well. Bottom line is that these speakers are probably best put into the hands of a seasoned audiophile that really wants to create a special system around them. Just like you wouldn't want to hand the keys to your Ferrari over to your 16 year old, these are not for the unanointed system builder.