What would you choose for about $1k, ZU DW, SVS Ultra bookshelf or Tekton Lore?

I need your help upgrading from my first system (NAD with B&W 602’) to my next system, that I hope will last me for the next 10 years. My budget for speakers is just over $1200. I have narrowed it down to either the SVS Ultra bookshelf, the Tekton Lore or Zu’ upcoming DW Omen special ( should I include Magnipan .7’?) -which of these three-four would you select and why? I am running a Schiit Vidar with Schiit Saga preamp. I love all kinds of music, my music room is about 12 feet by 24 by 12 feet. My main mission is for high quality stereo sound at a reasonable price -that will be a good improvement on my current B&W 602 setup. Thank you! 
  Congrats on your Omens. I too have a pair . I’m running a Schiit Yiggy to a Rogue RP-1 to a Had Inspire SEP. I have Klipsch Heresy II’s and KG1.5’s in the closet. The Omens smoke them both even with a sub. Also have JBL 4312A’s but currently lack an amp to run them . Anyway my share is this . I have really thick shag carpet and run the Omens 10 feet apart and the baffles 28” off the back walls . I am using the provided spikes set to max height with a slight upward facing tilt and very slightly toed in . Sounds great . I purchased a pair of 16”x16”x3” solid walnut bases from Timber Nation . Beautiful pieces . Used the provided spikes and spiked the Zu’s onto metal cups . Sounded like a transistor radio in the bottom of a barrel. Talked to the man himself at Zu. Played with the magazines , felt pads, big gap, little gap, and no gap . It was a huge tonal flop . My $400 bases are in the closet waiting for reassignment . I thought the bases would lend a more open sound with greater bass . It was an extreme opposite. So seriously experiment with placement . Also when I roll KT-120’s in place of KT-77’s the bass ( not the fish ) is so profound that I can turn off the sub . Most of the time I run SED Winged C 6550’s. After you’ve had some quality time with your system , might I suggest some low wattage tube power . Your components are well thought out and a petite tube amp would be a cost effective addition that would provide huge flexibility in an allready nice system . I also think that you will have great results with cable selection . Best of health and Happy Listening , Mike B.
@nietzsche007  Congratulations on your choice. And thanks for keeping us updated as well as providing your rationale and thinking. Very helpful. Looking forward to hearing how the Omens work out!
I think you will really enjoy the Zu's especially for providing that "you are there, live music sound".  Make sure you give them a couple hundred hours of burn in time to really smooth out the midrange and get the bass flowing.  If they are at all like the Tektons, then somewhere around the 100 hour range, you can start to gradually tweak the toe in/out and the tilt up/down to really optimize the sound and sound stage...and yes, we all want to hear continued reports of how its going.
I have a ZU DW set up I purchased 4 years ago and am very happy with it.  Impedance is 12 to 16 ohms so almost any amp will drive them.

With mine I requested an upgraded 10 inch driver from the soul superfly ZU  set me up with tweeters that match the main drivers better and gave me an upgraded crossover for the tweeter.
Great comments  -specifically appreciate the comments from Zu owners-thanks!

Pure curiosity and tempted by recent raving reviews regarding it's musicality -I also purchased the little Vista Spark amp. In addition to my Schiit Vidar--I plan to try the Spark on the Zu' (I will pass it on to one of my kids if it turns out to just be a toy ;-)  On paper and in a smaller room the Spark should match the Zu DW' 12-ohm impedance. (This may be another great deal as a value proposition, i.e. the Zu DW at $999 + Vista Spark at $350 for a total = $1350). Although the Zu' guys may start to frown on their products being paired with "value" amps..  :-)  I will report my findings on this combo as well as with the Vidar/Saga.

To confirm --I really-really like the detail coming out of my new Schiit Vidar / Saga combo (running now on my B&W' and also trying them on my Elac B6' -and soon on the Zu'). If you are looking for an affordable A/B amp, look at the Schiit' Vidar (I can easily see the benefits of running two Vidar' through their Freya pre--and I could be tempted to go this route down the line). Good weekend to you!