Technics 1200 GAE, 1200GR or 1200G?

How many of you have or have heard the Technics 1200 GAE, 1200GR or 1200G? I know the specs and the differences between the three tables, the 1200 GAE, being the limited edition, the 1200GR similar build quality and the 1200G, being of lesser quality, motor, plinth and platter, but I wanted to know if you have heard it at an event or have someone that you know that has or have had it. I have negotiated a deal at a shop for some other components and really thinking about closing the deal, the wife wants some of my older stuff out of the house. My Deal would be for the Technics 1200GR.

I currently have a VPI Classic 1, 30th Anniversary Edition. If one of you have both, I would really be interested between the differences, bass, treble and mids between the Technics and any VPI, including the Prime, but I would like to get your impressions. I have had an older Technics 1200 in the past and there is no comparison, the Classic is the better table. I’m thinking about a simpler set up and I’m thinking speed stability should be equal or close to equal.
Response to Sid 1, as TooBlue explained either 2 belts or 3 belts can be fitted to the Prime once an HRX pulley is fitted.  Very easy to do.  I can't hear much difference 2 belts or 3, either improves the sound of the Prime. Tighter, better definition, greater impact particularly for percussive sounds.  A strong pianist stands out more for example.  The sound of belt slippage on start up can be ameliorated if you periodically apply a bit of talc to the belts.  I use the small Ziplock bag that VPI supplies their belts in, put some talc in it with the belt, squish it around and viola - lightly coated belt.  I find the periphery ring to be very helpful for warped records.  It doesn't do anything one way or the other for flat records, though. 
I would like to corroborate jtsnead's comments concerning the VPI 3D arm as being difficult to set up.  It gets easier with practice and the dual pivot and the Counter Intuitive help quite a bit, but it requires patience and time to properly set up a Prime.  To me this is perhaps the most important difference between the Technics TTs and the VPI TTs and reason why I have mentioned in other threads that the ease of set up and use of the Technics make them perhaps the TT of choice of record collectors and people who are not comfortable with TT set up; whereas, the VPI TTs with their greater flexibility in terms of options and control are more likely to appeal to the true audiophile.
Thanks @billstevenson  I will admit that as I get older the tweaking of tone arms like this is past the patience I have but I have tweaked many of them mainly linear tracking arms which as far as azimuth/vta was a lot easier than the VPI, also I am a true audiophile and want the best from my setup and I am very comfortable with turntable set up just not one that is not repeatable consistently hence the need of the counter intuitive and dual pivot, which I would not call flexible and not part of the original design. Also the sound is as good or better without dealing with the frustrating setup
The VPIs are difficult to set up.  In time you learn what you are listening for and these tables can really deliver amazing sound.