I’ve been thinking about the tubes and whether they could be the culprit. There’s about 2200 hours on the power tubes (WingC 6550’s). It will be a chore to test them (12 per amp). I have a B&K 747. Then there’s the small tubes (driver and input, 3 each amp).
Sooo . . . I’m looking at 30 tubes. I guess I’ve got to get myself cranked up to do that.
In the meantime, I’m going to test with a solid state amp (the horror!) just to confirm it is the amps. I’m still a little puzzled over why both speakers have the same issue (the buzz). What are the odds?
Sooo . . . I’m looking at 30 tubes. I guess I’ve got to get myself cranked up to do that.
In the meantime, I’m going to test with a solid state amp (the horror!) just to confirm it is the amps. I’m still a little puzzled over why both speakers have the same issue (the buzz). What are the odds?