More of Fremer's insults and lies. Everything he wrote has either no basis in fact, or is another pathetic personal attack. The details:
Fremer- "Arthur Salvatore, who is a bitter little man."
Salvatore- Fremer, who has never met me, feels compelled to make another personal insult, thus his use of the expression "bitter little man".
Fremer-"...I happened upon his indictment of the entire audio reviewing community"
Salvatore- That claim is a lie. "Entire"? I have recommended several magazines and websites for years now, including, ironically, Richard Hardesty's webzine! (See my Links File for other examples.)
Fremer-"I shot him a a rather pissed off email, which he chose to make public when it was not so intended."
Salvatore- That is another lie. A BIG LIE actually. The Truth- Fremer, himself, sent the exact same e-mail to Phonogram less than 6 minutes after he sent it to me. (Just check the Phonogram archives-October 29, 2000- for confirmation.)
In fact, I originally heard about Fremer's letter from a number of my (then) customers, who were also members of Phonogram. They had read it before I read it myself.
So, Fremer sends out his letter to hundreds, if not thousands of people, then accuses ME of making that same letter "public". (When I posted it almost two days later.) That blatantly false charge takes more than "nerve" folks.
Fremer- "if you choose to read and believe Mr. Salvatore's paranoid delusions, you risk ending up like him."
Salvatore- Wow? Now I'm "paranoid" because I pointed out that Stereophile's "reviews" are hardly critical.
First of many examples- They published 60+ CONSECUTIVE
"rave reviews" (2001-2), in which each and every component was "Recommended". So, if you feel those numbers are more than just a pure and astronomical coincidence, you "risk ending up like him" (that's me!).
Fremer- "My favorite part of his rant is where someone who I don't know wrote to defend me, and Salvatore makes it seem as if I had written that, using a psuedonym."
Salvatore- Please read the letters yourself (from "Jason Bergmann") and come to you own conclusion. (See the Links below.)
(Personally, I've never known a situation where "someone who I don't know" has made such an emotional commitment to an audio reviewer. Further, and this is priceless, this same passionate "defender" misspells Fremer's name (Fermer!?) something like 10 times in these same letters!)
Fremer- "If that alone doesn't convince of of how twisted, paranoid and narcissistic Salvatore is, then nothing will."
Salvatore- I get the sense here of someone who is so insecure, they feel that any type of lie and vicious personal attack is justified. ("twisted, paranoid and narcissistic")
Please go to the links below to get an uncensored picture of Michael Fremer, in his own words, and, as a bonus, an excellent example of what psychologists' term "projection".
My deep regret that this had to be my first e-mail to this website.
Best Regards, Arthur Salvatore
Fremer- "Arthur Salvatore, who is a bitter little man."
Salvatore- Fremer, who has never met me, feels compelled to make another personal insult, thus his use of the expression "bitter little man".
Fremer-"...I happened upon his indictment of the entire audio reviewing community"
Salvatore- That claim is a lie. "Entire"? I have recommended several magazines and websites for years now, including, ironically, Richard Hardesty's webzine! (See my Links File for other examples.)
Fremer-"I shot him a a rather pissed off email, which he chose to make public when it was not so intended."
Salvatore- That is another lie. A BIG LIE actually. The Truth- Fremer, himself, sent the exact same e-mail to Phonogram less than 6 minutes after he sent it to me. (Just check the Phonogram archives-October 29, 2000- for confirmation.)
In fact, I originally heard about Fremer's letter from a number of my (then) customers, who were also members of Phonogram. They had read it before I read it myself.
So, Fremer sends out his letter to hundreds, if not thousands of people, then accuses ME of making that same letter "public". (When I posted it almost two days later.) That blatantly false charge takes more than "nerve" folks.
Fremer- "if you choose to read and believe Mr. Salvatore's paranoid delusions, you risk ending up like him."
Salvatore- Wow? Now I'm "paranoid" because I pointed out that Stereophile's "reviews" are hardly critical.
First of many examples- They published 60+ CONSECUTIVE
"rave reviews" (2001-2), in which each and every component was "Recommended". So, if you feel those numbers are more than just a pure and astronomical coincidence, you "risk ending up like him" (that's me!).
Fremer- "My favorite part of his rant is where someone who I don't know wrote to defend me, and Salvatore makes it seem as if I had written that, using a psuedonym."
Salvatore- Please read the letters yourself (from "Jason Bergmann") and come to you own conclusion. (See the Links below.)
(Personally, I've never known a situation where "someone who I don't know" has made such an emotional commitment to an audio reviewer. Further, and this is priceless, this same passionate "defender" misspells Fremer's name (Fermer!?) something like 10 times in these same letters!)
Fremer- "If that alone doesn't convince of of how twisted, paranoid and narcissistic Salvatore is, then nothing will."
Salvatore- I get the sense here of someone who is so insecure, they feel that any type of lie and vicious personal attack is justified. ("twisted, paranoid and narcissistic")
Please go to the links below to get an uncensored picture of Michael Fremer, in his own words, and, as a bonus, an excellent example of what psychologists' term "projection".
My deep regret that this had to be my first e-mail to this website.
Best Regards, Arthur Salvatore