Buying an item from Canada

Can anyone explain to me what is involved in buying an item from a Canadian seller and shipping into the U.S.  The item would be valued at $2500 CAD. What type of duty and taxes will be due?  The item is built in China. Will the shipping take longer than usual?  Thanks for any help. 
Best shipping is via the mail, shouldn’t take too long. If it’s used goods I don’t think there any duty. If new they may be but for most things I’ve bought I’ve never been charged it.   All in all buying and selling across this border is about as easy as dealing in the USA 
I’ve purchased electronics twice w/o any problem. I would advise speaking to the seller by phone first, so that there are no misunderstandings.
If you ship via Canada Post, it will be very slow and the tracking # will be meaningless when it leaves Canada. After clearing customs USPS will transport the item.
UPS is fast; they pickup the item, it gets held in customs for a short time, then UPS continues the delivery. You will be charged a customs fee based on the manufacturer’s country of origin plus the fee to import from Canada to the US. If the seller is a dealer he can give you an estimated fee.

When UPS comes to your door they will charge you the fee as COD (and they want cash).
Today $2500 CAD equals $1968 USD and that gets charged to your credit card or PayPal.
Folkfreak is correct; if the item is from a private seller there shouldn't be any fee. My purchases were from a dealer. For electronics I still recommend using UPS.
I purchased vinyl and CD's no problem thru Canada Poat.