LCD TV - Are they reliable ?

Should I get the extend warranty ?

I heard that most of the major brands will have problem within 3 years ! Is it true ?

I'm want to buy the latest Sharp(top model) or Samsung(series 7) LCD TV(52in.). Which one is better in picture quality ? Which one is more reliable ?
I researched for 18 months before purchasing an LCD. The Samsung and Sharp are both great. However, did the Sony XBR 52" when all was said and done. Don't even like Sony that much as they are oft overpriced, but they do know their LCD work. Did not purchase extended warranty.
Check Consumer Reports. They usually have a major issue on electronics at least once a year. I would trust them on issues related to service and reliability for mass market consumer products.

The last time I checked, LCD projectors and treadmills were the only products they recommended buying extended warranties for. However, I take it you're looking at direct view LCDs, not projectors.
I have a Panasonic 50" LCD Projection TV. My bulb was replaced last October and the Light is on again. Panasonic will not replace until it blows. But I still have the warranty until October. Panasonic has had a class action suit filed against them for the early and constant failure of the lamps. I say stay away from projection TV's. The lamps cost $300 each time and they blow about once a year or so. On the other hand I have friends that have Plasma Televsions up to 73" and two of them have failed a little over a year after purchase. All were purchased brand new. All had purchased extended warranties but one friend was without his Plasma set for nearly 6 months while they tried to repair it so they simply replaced it.

I will replace my LCD Projection TV with a Plasma simply because the prices have gone down so much and the quality seems to have gone up. And I don't have to worry about replacing those bulbs. I have another LCD and plasma televisions but they are both new. No problems yet.

I say semi reliable.
The studies I have read to date have indicated that LCD and Plasma flat panels have proven to be just as reliable as tubed tv's. That having been said, I did buy a extended warranty with my Samsung LCD just because the technology was still relatively new and I didn't know how much to trust the Samsung brand. Also, I got a good deal on it ($150 for three years). Extended warranties are pure profit for the retail chains so try to negoitiate them down from the quoted price. FYI, I have had my LCD for just over a year and have not had any issues at all. I've never regretted the purchase, it's a GREAT tv. As others have said, stay away from projection/DLP.
five problem free years here with an Hitachi 42". Odd story: I bought the demo from Sears and when the employee unplugged it she got a shock and was thrown to the floor. She was OK.