DAC Suggestions Please

I currently have two DACs in my system which are internal to other components.  My front end is an OPPO 105 and my pre-amp is a Classe Sigma SSP.  What recommendations do any of you have to improve my DAC performance.  What price point should I be looking at to really improve everything.  Thanks very much for any suggestions.


Sorry about that. Budget is about 2k (new or used). I haven’t compared the 105 to the classe’s DAC yet so that should be interesting as well. Thx. 
What's the rest of your system?  Maybe money better spent elsewhere?

I'd think $2k could get you a good improvement in a DAC.  Two possible options, there's a used Metrum Hex DAC on eBay for $1700, or an Oppo Sonica DAC and have it modified by Ric Schultz at EVS for 700 bucks:

Best of luck. 

I'm a fan of the Schiit Multibit DACs. Read up on them, here, and elsewhere.


  DAC Suggestions Please

What sort of music media do you listen to.

Redbook CD's 16/44 or 24/96, DXD downloads?
DSD downloads?

As this will make a difference to what sort of "conversion process" you'll be better off with to get the best out of that format.

Cheers George