Timbernation Platform Problems

I recently bought a 19" x 19" x 2" maple platform from Timbernation. The plan was to use this platform with my Zoethecus amp stand for supporting my ARC Ref110 amp. When I received maple platform one of the sides was not properly planed down. The surface is irregular and rough. I will try to post a photo or two soon. 

When I contacted Mariah at Timbernation via email here is the response I received: "I showed Chris the pics and he said that it will fit into your stand just fine. Did you try it yet? You will be able to put the unfinished side down into your stand and the finished side will be facing up." 

I expected a maple block that was of high quality and not one that has significant imperfections on one side. Has anyone had any similar experiences with Timbernation? Should I just accept this? Any input or advise is appreciated.
Oh, they (negative comments) are out there, alright. Try searching archives at Audio Asylum, for example. You’ll get an earful.
I haven’t bought anything from timbernation yet, Looked him up and read all the negative comments too...
apparently at the time he had a Major disaster in his family which made him collapse, but after some time he came out of it and satisfied his customers.
If what I read was correct, then the guy doesn’t deserve all this negative stuff a dozen years later.
Just give him a break, specially since OP states he was contacted with a promise to do him right...
Actually his problems were there before his family tragedy, the death of his daughter in a R accident in Florida which if I recall correctly was 12 years ago, and continue to this day. Sorry to disagree. And I don’t wish to belittle the tragedy at all. But it appears he used the accident as an excuse for quite a long while. Everyone deserves a break, but come on!
Again, no negative feedback given on this site in over 9 years. All positive with no neutrals even. We owe the community, Agon community, to post negative feedback on sellers if they deserve it. Those having negative experiences with this seller did not post it here over the last 9 years. The seller has several listings now and continues to receive nothing but positive feedback on this site. He is certainly pleasing many Audiogon members and they are leaving feedback. 
Hi, there. They don’t post negative feedback here. Search this site for “Timbernation” using the Search magnifying glass symbol at top of page. You might be surprised. There is adverse information all over the internet, AA and elsewhere, if your ‘re so inclined. Much of it fairly recent including the OP. As I said I don’t wish to belabor the point or dismiss his personal tragedy. I can track a blue tail fly up a hound dog’ nose.