Help with next upgrade

I’m filing this under amps/preamps, however, it also pertains to speakers and turntable. I’m ok with used or new. I am looking to upgrade either my TT, amp or speakers. Essentially, I am building around two recent Pass Labs purchases which I love. My budget is up to $5K.

For consideration, I am looking at the Pass Labs XA-25 (I’ve read and watched plenty of reviews on this amp), Zu Omen Def MKII or Zu Soul Supreme (also open to suggestions but would like to hear about these). For a potential TT upgrade, I like VPI but if I move to another TT, I’d like it to be with less manipulation. I like my sound but I’ve spent an awful long time trying to dial in VTA/VTF/azimuth, etc.

My current set-up includes:

VPI Scout 1.1 (under consideration for upgrade)
Lyra Delos MC
Pass Labs XP-12 (pre)
Pass Labs XP-17 (phono pre)
Rogue Cronus Magnum 1 (under consideration for upgrade)
Zu Audio Soul MKII (under consideration for upgrade)
Zu cabling throughout

Thanks for taking the time and I look forward to your feedback.

I believe the market is trending in favor of premium Integrated amps.Not suggesting that separates are tanking,the sand box is big enough for many players.I'm currently enjoying a Coincident Technology Dynamo 34SE MKII which in my system is as good as anything I've had the pleasure of owning.
There are two or three reviews out now of the XA25 comparing its sound to the XA30.8 and/or INT-60.  The '25 is now definitely on my radar.
I have the Zu Omen bookshelves, and talked to the Zu guys at the annual CAS Audio show. 
I told them I was particularly liking the Druids. They said that the druids and the Soul Supremes have the same inner hardware, cones,etc as the Druids. They said the speaker outside shape is different, but sound is essentially the same as the Druids. Said the Druids cost more due to manufacturing the speaker with the thick metal plinths at the base of the Druids. 

They suggested pairing the Soul Supremes with the Zu Undertone sub to fully flesh out the bottom down to 14 Hertz, and I’ve read of some folks in the forums who are happy with the set up. And recently, I read that a guy had the Zu Def MKII and was run8ng them with a 1 watt tube amp, Linear Tube Amplifiers ZOTL/MicroZOTL I think. They make the special David Berning patented tube amps