Advice Needed on Choosing a Turntable

I have a budget of about $3600 to $3800 for my main listening system's turntable. I've considered both a VPI...although at this price point I can't get the model I'd like... and a Thorens 125 from Vinyl Nirvana. I've also played with the idea of a Gem Dandy, but currently it's a distant third.

I guess my main question is, how does the Thorens stack up against (for the same amount of $ spent) to the VPI. I have to admit that as of late I'm really partial to vintage gear and like the idea of having the Thorens in the system, but at that price I don't want to sacrifice sound quality just for nostalgia.

Feel free to offer advice on these players or any others at this price point you feel offers great bang for the buck.

Thanks in advance for the helpful input...
Michell Gyro SE. You really can’t do better for the price. If you double the budget, then SME Model 10.
I've had both the Thorens TD-125 MK.2 and the VPI HW-19 Mk.2, and much prefer the VPI. You can pick one up for around $500, or $1000 with an arm. If you find the table without an arm for around $500, you'll have plenty left for an arm of your own choosing.
Consider the Technics SL1200G.  Can be had new for ~$3200 or so, if you call around (got mine for that).  For the money its an outstanding turntable.
Garrard 301 and a jelco tonearm. If you are handy you can make a plinth yourself from plywood.