After a (weeks) worth of listening...

What lp would you recommend the most to other members here?

I belong to several music threads and have gained much knowledge and have just as much to share..

Here is a chance to post what you've imagined is your (one) most enjoyable moment/lp of the past week of listening.

Having to choose, right now, and getting this thread started, I'd choose..

Gary Wright "The Dream Weaver"

@bdp24, @ reubent,

I have a retraction. We were discussing "Little Honey" recently. I thought it was on this thread but, here goes. It was not IMO, her best in terms of SQ and it was very noisy. I remember reubent commenting on this as well. I just put it through a very slow, extended US cleaning. It really, really helped, I now enjoy listening to it. (If I were to pick it apart.. it is somewhat compressed and more inconsistent song by song compared to the majority of her lps I own). It is pressed off-center as so many lps are these days as well.

US cleaning is the best thing that’s happened to the end user of vinyl in a while.
Beth Hart/Joe Bonamassa  "Don't Explain" (lp)

This lp was my first introduction to both artists. I liked it then (it's been several years since I've listened to this one) prompted me to pursue Beth's output.

Listening It's an almost perfect lp. They compliment one another almost better than any two artists' colaborations I can think of. To top it off, the vinyl is quiet, the sonics are extremely engaging. You have the warmth associated with an analog recording. Very, very nice. A strong recommendation!
For all-time greats: "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere".
A new discovery: "No Other", Gene Clark. It's haunting me.

@slaw  & @toddverrone, I eventually got "Ten"; but made the mistake of getting the anniversary edition with the original LP and a 2009 (?) remix LP. I waste time comparing them instead of unfocusing and enjoying my senses.
I am loving the "Loud Hailer" by Jeff Beck here as well. It is very in your face, very forward sounding album. I especially love "Right Now", it has everything you want for testing a speakers for dynamics and sound control capabilities in my opinion. Not the proper track for testing for musicality though :D

I want to throw in "Sahib Teri Bandi - Maki Madni" by The Derek Trucks Band. Lovely track. Their Songlines album is overall amazing actually.
I forgot about (this) thread I started!

Eddie Money " Life For The Taking":

HELL yeah.