A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx

I enjoy reading this fellow (Richard Hardesty)


I'd certainly like to be able to hear every speaker of consideration in my home but the best I can do is go to stores, go to CES or the like, occasionally demo at friends homes, and of course read articles of interest.

It is important to me to have some basic data including frequency responses in an anechoic chamber tested environment for the reasons described in several of the above posts. It is NOT the only determinant, but it allows one basis of comparison. I do measure as best as I can in my own home for a variety of reasons after I purchase.

I'd like to see that done for the Wilson speakers as well as part of any review article. Its pretty basic. Why not include the info? perhaps the tests have in fact been done! I did think Mr Hardesty's article was hostile in tone but did raise some good points as well.
Ah, that word "sophistry" again. Philospher, Brit for sophomore, just what thought is trying to be conveyed by the use of this word. I never thought I would come to be so aware of the abiguity of this word till this thread.
Richard has auditioned the speakers in familiar surroundings. He is one of Brook Berdan's best friends and has speant time with the speakers.
Bigtee, I agree.

As most of us did, I purchased on sonics alone. I don't entertain, I have a large dedicated room designed by Rives that only myself and my 6 and 8 year old girls see. Finish and aesthetics are decidedly secondary to the point of inconsequence. I respect and admire Richard Vandersteen and the 5a's, They are great speakers. want more?

Mr Hyde-----

OK, I admit to being a superficial schmuck, driven by gloss and appearance. I paid a premium for speakers merely because they looked cool and stood tall, and my surfer bud's respect me better --and the gals, well, they fall over at the sight of my monolithic Wilsons--It's all in the name, dude.

Although the sound is terrible, it gives me an excuse to post in audio threads, arguing with people that post opinion with no direct experience, crapping on products they know little to nothing about.


:-) just for fun
Brutal is right.

I've read some of Hardesty's articles a few years ago and enjoyed them and even had the pleasure to meet him at CES earlier this year.

At the very least, Hardesty brings up some interesting points. How valid or invalid they may be matters little to me. I will say that this is not the first time I've heard such statements about the Wilsons.

But considering the risks of a review like this I seriously doubt Hardesty didn't "do his damn homework" as somebody above exclaimed.

I could be wrong but I think the audioperfectionist is Hardesty's primary source of income. Regardless, for him to write such an insincere review is professional suicide.

Forget whether he's right or wrong. If he wrote this with even a hint of a "get even" attitude as another put it, he's probably done.

If he's sincere but sincerely wrong, he has potentially seriously damaged his reputation.

If he's right but with wrote with ill-motives, he has potentially seriously damaged his reputation.

If he's right and wrote with proper motives, he's a real standup guy willing to risk his profession and there's going to be a lot of angry customers.

In other words, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize the odds are not in Hardesty's favor to pen such an unfavorable review.

Certainly Hardesty realizes this. Even if others don't.