Damaged speaker rubber on Focal Electra 1008 Be. Return or Keep?

Hi everyone!

Just received a used pair of Focal Electra 1008 Be's. They look stunning. I can't connect them to my stereo yet, at office currently. Will be able to do so in the evening.

However, one of the speakers have a slight deformation on it's woofer's rubber. You think this would be a big problem ? Or is there any way to fix it without damaging the speaker ? Another thing that I am questioning is that how such a problem might have occurred in first place?


Would be great to get some advice. I got these at 38% price of a new pair.

Another problem with this pair is that they have 6 new holes in the back of them. Since the previous owner used them as surrounds, mounted on wall for a while. Then used it as a stereo for his son. You think those holes would affect the sound in any way ?


Thanks a lot for all the help!

Sounds like you purchased real garbage great speakers with holes in them.Good luck!! 
@helomech I bought them online. Seller disclosed the holes. However, didn't mention anything of the woofer rubber deformation. I want to know how such a damage can happen without any exposure to heat, high pressure or water.

I will be returning them I guess. And will report the seller to the used sales platform I used (sort of like a local ebay).
By the way, one thing that might not be so clear in my first post is that. I was aware of the holes before purchasing. If holes don't penetrate trough the cabinet, it can easily be fixed in my opinion. With their price, it made sense to me. However, was not aware of the woofer rubber damage, at all.
Is there any way to loosen the speaker and reset the gasket.
The holes can be easily fixed woth wood filler and stained to match.
Have you talked to the seller, i would before reporting him